case study for the European Train Control System developed for the authors dissertation
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCDSM::CSyntaxTransformerBase class for all syntax transformer
oCDSM::CSyntaxTreeBase class for syntax trees
oCDSM::Error::CExceptionGeneral exception type
oCGOPPRR::CBindingBinding class representation
oCGOPPRR::CConceptConcept class reprensentation
oCGOPPRR::CConnectionConnection class reprensentation
oCGOPPRR::CConnection::CCallConnection call class reprensentation
oCGOPPRR::CConstraintCheckerOCL constraint checker for a GOPPRR model/project
oCGOPPRR::CGraphicalContainerGraphical container class
oCGOPPRR::CProjectProject class
oCGOPPRR::Error::CExceptionGeneral exception type for the GOPPRR tree
oCoETCS::DF::CAbstractFlowFlow base class
oCoETCS::DF::CControlFlow::CStateState class within a control flow
oCoETCS::DF::CDMIObserverObserver interface for the DMI
oCoETCS::DF::CDMISubjectSubject of the DMI observer pattern
oCoETCS::DF::CEVCStateMachineEVC state machine class
oCoETCS::DF::CEVCStateMachine::CEVCStateEVC state class executed by the EVC state machine
oCoETCS::DF::CEVCStateMachine::CEVCState::CDataFlowData flow class for executing data flows and embedded control flows
oCoETCS::DF::CEVCTransitionTransition class for EVC states
oCoETCS::DF::CFunctionBlockBase class for all function block elements in a data flow
oCoETCS::DF::CFunctionBlock::CInput< INPUT_TYPE_T >Container template class for input value storages of the type VALUE_T
oCoETCS::DF::CLanguageBase class for all language structure classs
oCoETCS::DF::CTransitionTransition class for control flow states
oCoETCS::DF::Error::CExceptionGeneral exception type for the domain framework
oCoETCS::GEN::CFBNodeNode representing a function block object in the abstract model
oCoETCS::GEN::CGeneratorGenerator base class
oCoETCS::GEN::CMainGenerator main class
oCoETCS::GEN::Error::CExceptionGeneral exception type for the domain framework

Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Johannes Feuser (
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The openETCS library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
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