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Overview -> New Features in daVinci V2.1.x

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New Features in daVinci V2.1.x

daVinci V2.1 is a major release with a lot of significant new features over the previous version of daVinci.

All new features, compared to previous release V2.0.x, are described below in the following categories (you can click on the links for quick access):

Fully incremental graph layout

Graph updates send to the daVinci API using command
graph(update(...)) are now inserted into the existing graph layout incrementally instead of forcing a completely new layout. So the layout before the update is preserved as much as possible in order to support layout stability. Of course, after doing some incremental updates, the graph layout may be getting worse, so a new global graph layout might be required. The user can do this at any time with menu Layout/Improve All. Existing daVinci applications don't need to be modified to support incremental graph layout. Applications already using API command graph(update(...)) immediately benefit from this new feature. For example, you can connect the graph editor of daVinci V2.0.x to the daVinci V2.1.x API and it will use incremental graph layout. But there even is a new grapheditor, which supports much more of the new features.

Subgraph abstractions using incremental layout

Abstractions are used in daVinci with menu
Layout/{Hide|Show} Subgraph. In former versions, showing a hidden subgraph after modifying the layout (e.g. by using menu Layout/Improve All with hidden subgraphs) messed up the graph layout completely. Now, menu Layout/Show Subgraph always uses incremental graph layout for fading in hidden subgraphs in order to preserve layout stability.

Completely rewritten, much faster graph layout algorithm

This algorithm is used to calculate the order of nodes and dummy nodes to reduce the number of edge crossings. This algorithm has been completely rewritten in V2.1 in order to:

New automatic layout functions

By taking advantage of layout constraints available with the rewritten graph layout algorithm, a new layout function has been implemented in menu
Layout/Improve Edges. In opposite to menu Layout/Improve All which rearranges the nodes and edges to get fewer edge crossings, the new layout function re-routes only the edges, but preserves the given order of nodes at each level. This reduces not all of the unneccessary edge crossings, but the order of nodes is preserved to keep the layout more stable.

With the new menu Layout/Improve Selected Nodes you can rearrange only the selected nodes and the edges (as in "Improve Edges") without changing the order of all other nodes. The menu "Improve Visible" has been removed.

Fine-Tuning for all layout orientations

In daVinci V2.0.x you can only fine tune your graph in the layout orientation "Top Down". Now it is possible to do this in all layout orientations. On 24-bit graphic machines the moved node is now displayed correctly, instead of a black rectangle in V2.0.x. Additionally, the graph size is no longer fixed in fine-tuning. You might have noticed, that nodes can not be moved out of the surrounding rectangle of the graph in V2.0.x. Now it is possible to enlarge the graph by moving nodes.

Visualization rules (API)

daVinci V2.1 has a new API mechanism to control and maintain the visual appearance of graph nodes and edges more easily. In former versions it was neccessary to specify the visual appearance of each individual node or edge by using
attributes in the term representation of a graph. By using visualization rules in V2.1, one can specify the attributes for a type (or class) of nodes/edges at one single point. Suppose you have a graph with four nodes: one root node 1 and three childs 2,3,4. The root has type T1, the childs have type T2 (types are the strings between the node/edge ID and the attributes in a term representation or graph update). You can send this example graph to the daVinci API using the following command (remove line breaks before sending commands to API):
    graph(update([new_node ("1","T1",[a("OBJECT","1")]),
		  new_node ("2","T2",[a("OBJECT","2")]),
		  new_node ("3","T2",[a("OBJECT","3")]),
		  new_node ("4","T2",[a("OBJECT","4")])],
	         [new_edge ("1-2","T1",[],"1","2"),
		  new_edge ("1-3","T2",[],"1","3"),
		  new_edge ("1-4","T3",[],"1","4")]))
Now you can send a visualization rule to the API to draw *all* nodes of type T2 in red and another one to draw *all* edges of type T2 in blue:
You can even overwrite the daVinci defaults for attributes with visualization definitions. Please refer to the concepts document and to the API command category Visual to read more about visualization definitions.

Pop-Up menus for nodes and edges (API)

Graph nodes and edges may now have a pop-up menu which is displayed if the mouse pointer is currently over a particular node or edge and the user selects the
right mouse button. For comfortable use, pop-up menus should be specified with visualization rules for particular types of nodes and edges (see above) and are implemented with a new kind of node/edge attribute.

For example: The following API command sends a graph to daVinci that contains one node with a pop-up menu (remove line breaks before sending commands to API):

    graph(new([l("1",n("T",[a("OBJECT","Node 1"),
Please refer to the description of the term representation to read more about popup menus.

Drag and Drop for nodes and edges (API)

For a better support of user interaction we have added the
drag and drop functionality to the daVinci API. With the new commands you can set the API into dragging mode. This switches off the two dimensional scrolling feature, you achieve normally by pressing the middle mouse button. Then you can click with the middle mouse button somewhere in the daVinci window and the API informs the application, or you can select a node with the middle mouse button and drag a line from this node to another node. The application is informed if you release the button over a node or over the free area. Moreover you can grab a node and drop it on some other node.

Please refer to the concepts document and to the API command category Drag and Drop to read more about drag and drop.

All open windows accessible via API commands

Many people asked for full access to all open windows in the multi view mode of the API. Implementing this feature results in a syntax change for the API answers. Therefore we make this mode available via a command line option -window_api. You'll get context_window(...) answers instead of context(...) answers in the new mode.

Please refer to the API command category Multi to read more about this new multi-window mode.

Some more enhancements to the API

New command-line options

With the
command line option -init <file> you can supply initial API commands to daVinci, independent whether you've connected an application or not. You can execute all API commands except those of categories multi, drag_and_drop and app_menu, which would make no sense, if no application is connected. With this feature, you can send for example the new visualiziation rules to daVinci or load graphs in the API update format to daVinci.

With the command line option -log <file> you can supply a file, in which all commands and answers of the API send to or send by daVinci are logged.

With the command line option -version daVinci will print it's current version and terminate.

New Attributes for Nodes and Edges

Some attributes for nodes and edges have been added or changed. For nodes: For edges: Up to now the visualization of nodes abstracted by the menu or API command Hide Subgraph was a scissors-icon with the color of the node. Now you can define the appearance of these nodes by setting the attributes: Please remember, that it could be very difficult to find out which nodes are abstracted, if you make a bad choice for these attributes.

grapheditor supports all new API features, including drag and drop

The new grapheditor supports all the new features of the API and all new node and edge attributes (except those for abstracted nodes). The major improvement is the
drag and drop mode, which is the default mode of the grapheditor now. In this mode, you can create new nodes by clicking in the daVinci window with the middle mouse button and new edges by dragging the mouse with pressed middle mouse button from one node to the other. You can even copy existing nodes. The drag and drop mode can be switched off via the icon bar or a menu. Additionally there are context sensitive pop-up menues for all nodes and edges generated with the grapheditor. The grapheditor now uses the incremental layout of daVinci and you'll definitely see the changes.

Additionally the graph editor now supports the editing of several graphs and the loading of status files.

Please refer to the grapheditor manual to read more about the new grapheditor features.

Several bug fixes and reduced memory footprint

Shortcomings in daVinci V2.1.x

The following shortcomings are present in the current release:

daVinci V2.1 Online Documentation - Page update: June 15, 1998