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[daVinciLogo] - Online Documentation V2.1


WWW browsers with Java support (e.g. Netscape 2.0) will show the dialog elements of the search engine above. You cannot work with the index without having Java! Further, the search engine will only be available when this page is loaded from a local file rather than accessed by WWW, (i.e. the URL of this page has to start with file: and not http:)!

Using the Index

  1. Enter the string you are looking for in the Search for Keyword field. The search engine is looking for documents where this input occurs as a substring. The case of characters is not significant. You can use the Clear Keyword button to delete the input before typing a new string.

  2. Choose a chapter of the documentation where the search engine should look for the entered string. Use "All Help Files" to search the whole documemtation.

  3. Click on the Start Search button to activate the search engine. Pages that match the entered string are displayed in the scrollable list. The number of matches is shown in parentheses behind the page title. You can press the Stop Search button to interrupt the search engine.

  4. To see one of the found pages, select it in the list and press the Go To button (or simply double-click it). Depending on the setting of radio button Go to Page in, the new page is either displayed in a New Window of the WWW browser or in the Same Window.

  5. Unfortunately, it is not possible to highlight the found keyword in the documents. But for example, you can use Netscape's Edit/Find... menu of the WWW browser to search the particular keyword on the page again.


daVinci V2.1 Online Documentation - Page update: June 15, 1998