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Overview -> User Interface -> File Menu -> Print... -> File Browser

File Browser to specify PostScript Files


This file browser can be used to locate a file for saving a graph in PostScript format. The browser does not save the file directly, it just places the selected filename into the File Name field of the print dialog window. There you need to press the Save button to actually save the file.

The browser has two views, one for the Directories and one for the Files in the current directory. The current directory is the one shown in the Selection field. To navigate through the directories, double-click on the elements in the Directories view. By clicking on '..', you move to the parent directory. To choose a file, either select it in the Files view and press the Apply push button or simply double-click it. To save a new file, you need to enter the filename in the Selection field.

The file browser window can also be used mouseless with keyboard operations.

Dialog Items of the File Browser

daVinci V2.1 Online Documentation - Page update: June 15, 1998