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Overview -> User Interface -> Options Menu -> Layout Dimensions...

Layout Dimensions Dialog Window


This dialog window can be used for controlling the dimensions of a graph visualization. Modifying these options has an influence on the extension of a graph visualization, so if you do not want to reduce the scale of a graph with dialog View/Scale..., you can reduce the font size or the node distances here to get a smaller visualization.

After changing the dimensions, the graph layout has to be recalculated to deal with new node extensions, but the order of nodes is preserved. This way, interactive fine tuning of a graph layout is usually lost. So, be sure to set the final dimensions before starting with serious fine tuning. By selecting a smaller or larger font size, the other dimensions in this window are also adjusted to keep the layout proportional.

The layout dimension dialog window can also be used mouseless with keyboard operations.

Dialog Items of the Layout Dimensions Window

daVinci V2.1 Online Documentation - Page update: June 15, 1998