Classes | Namespaces | Functions
add_gates.hpp File Reference

Adding typical gates to a circuit. More...


class  target_line_adder
 Helper class for adding lines in an easier way. More...
class  control_line_adder
 Helper class for adding lines in an easier way. More...


namespace  revkit
 Main namespace.


gate & append_toffoli (circuit &circ, const gate::line_container &controls, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for appending a Toffoli gate. More...
gate & append_fredkin (circuit &circ, const gate::line_container &controls, const gate::line &target1, const gate::line &target2)
 Helper function for appending a Fredkin gate. More...
gate & append_peres (circuit &circ, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target1, const gate::line &target2)
 Helper function for appending a Peres gate. More...
gate & append_cnot (circuit &circ, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for appending a CNOT gate. More...
gate & append_v (circuit &circ, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for appending a V gate. More...
gate & append_vplus (circuit &circ, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for appending a V+ gate. More...
gate & append_not (circuit &circ, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for appending a NOT gate. More...
gate & append_module (circuit &circ, const std::string &module_name, const gate::line_container &controls, const std::vector< unsigned > &targets)
 Helper function for appending a module gate. More...
control_line_adder append_gate (circuit &circ, const boost::any &tag)
 Helper function for appending a generic gate using the control_line_adder. More...
control_line_adder append_toffoli (circuit &circ)
 Helper function for appending a Toffoli gate using the control_line_adder. More...
control_line_adder append_fredkin (circuit &circ)
 Helper function for appending a Fredkin gate using the control_line_adder. More...
gate & prepend_toffoli (circuit &circ, const gate::line_container &controls, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for prepending a Toffoli gate. More...
gate & prepend_fredkin (circuit &circ, const gate::line_container &controls, const gate::line &target1, const gate::line &target2)
 Helper function for prepending a Fredkin gate. More...
gate & prepend_peres (circuit &circ, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target1, const gate::line &target2)
 Helper function for prepending a Peres gate. More...
gate & prepend_cnot (circuit &circ, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for prepending a CNOT gate. More...
gate & prepend_v (circuit &circ, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for prepending a V gate. More...
gate & prepend_vplus (circuit &circ, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for prepending a V+ gate. More...
gate & prepend_not (circuit &circ, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for prepending a NOT gate. More...
gate & prepend_module (circuit &circ, const std::string &module_name, const gate::line_container &controls, const std::vector< unsigned > &targets)
 Helper function for prepending a module gate. More...
control_line_adder prepend_gate (circuit &circ, const boost::any &tag)
 Helper function for prepending a generic gate using the control_line_adder. More...
control_line_adder prepend_toffoli (circuit &circ)
 Helper function for prepending a Toffoli gate using the control_line_adder. More...
control_line_adder prepend_fredkin (circuit &circ)
 Helper function for prepending a Fredkin gate using the control_line_adder. More...
gate & insert_toffoli (circuit &circ, unsigned n, const gate::line_container &controls, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for inserting a Toffoli gate. More...
gate & insert_fredkin (circuit &circ, unsigned n, const gate::line_container &controls, const gate::line &target1, const gate::line &target2)
 Helper function for inserting a Fredkin gate. More...
gate & insert_peres (circuit &circ, unsigned n, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target1, const gate::line &target2)
 Helper function for inserting a Peres gate. More...
gate & insert_cnot (circuit &circ, unsigned n, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for inserting a CNOT gate. More...
gate & insert_v (circuit &circ, unsigned n, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for inserting a V gate. More...
gate & insert_vplus (circuit &circ, unsigned n, const gate::line &control, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for inserting a V+ gate. More...
gate & insert_not (circuit &circ, unsigned n, const gate::line &target)
 Helper function for inserting a NOT gate. More...
gate & insert_module (circuit &circ, unsigned n, const std::string &module_name, const gate::line_container &controls, const std::vector< unsigned > &targets)
 Helper function for inserting a module gate. More...
control_line_adder insert_gate (circuit &circ, unsigned n, const boost::any &tag)
 Helper function for inserting a generic gate using the control_line_adder. More...
control_line_adder insert_toffoli (circuit &circ, unsigned n)
 Helper function for inserting a Toffoli gate using the control_line_adder. More...
control_line_adder insert_fredkin (circuit &circ, unsigned n)
 Helper function for inserting a Fredkin gate using the control_line_adder. More...

Detailed Description

Adding typical gates to a circuit.

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