Extending CASL with Higher-order Functions

Anne Haxthausen1
Bernd Krieg-Brückner2
Till Mossakowski3

10 April 1997

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This note studies how the CASL language can be extended with higher-order functions.


  • 1 Introduction
  • Terminology:
  • 2 Proposals for changes to the syntax
  • 2.1 Introduction of types instead of sorts
  • 2.2 More general application terms
  • 3 Semantics
  • 3.1 Requirements to the semantics
  • 3.2 Extensions of the subsort relation
  • 3.3 Well-typed terms and formulas
  • 3.4 Expansions to an underlying logic
  • 3.5 Equivalent expansions
  • Appendices:
  • 4 One possibility for the underlying logic
  • 4.1 A higher-order subsorted logic
  • 4.2 A generalised subsorted logic
  • Footnotes
  • This document was converted from LaTeX2e sources to HTML using Hyperlatex 2.2.
    CoFI Note: L-2 --Version 1.0-- 10 April 1997.
    Comments to ah@it.dtu.dk