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Go up to 3 Semantics
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3.1 Requirements to the semantics

The major new aspects are
  1. semantics of functional types
  2. subtyping for functional types
We want a semantics for which
  1. the carrier set As1...sn -> s/As1...sn+s of any total/partial functional type is (isomorphic to) a (sub)set of the total/partial functions from As1 ×... ×Asn to As
  2. the subsort relation < between basic sorts is extended to the subtype relation < => (defined below) between types,
  3. the embeddings function from As to As' for any s < => s' is only required to be injective if s < -> s', where < -> is a subrelation of < => , defined below
  4. there is only a projection function from As' to As for s < -> s' (as non-injective embeddings can not have an inverse projection function)

CoFI Note: L-2 --Version 1.0-- 10 April 1997.
Comments to ah@it.dtu.dk

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