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4.1 A higher-order subsorted logic

A higher-order signature Sigma is a tuple (S, F, P, < ), where S is a set of sorts, < is a preorder on S, F is a family of S -> typed value symbols and P is a family of (S -> )+ typed predicate symbols.

S -> is the least set for which

  1. S C S ->
  2. w -> s e S -> , if w e (S -> )+ and s e S ->
  3. w +s e S -> , if w e (S -> )+ and s e S ->

The associated generalised subsorted signature is Sigma -> = (S -> , TF -> , PF -> , P, < -> , < => ) where the only possibly non-empty sets in TF -> and PF -> are TF\, s = Fs for s e S -> , TF(w -> s)w,s = { apply} and PF(w+s)w,s = { apply} for s e S -> , w e (S -> )+

Sigma sentences are Sigma -> sentences.

Sigma models are Sigma -> models satisfying a collection of extensionality axioms.

CoFI Note: L-2 --Version 1.0-- 10 April 1997.
Comments to ah@it.dtu.dk

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