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Overview -> daVinci in the Internet

[daVinciLogo] - Online Documentation V2.1

daVinci in the Internet

This chapter covers information about accessing important daVinci resources in the Internet. Clicking on the headlines will show the corresponding resource in a second Netscape window. Keep the second window visible when you want to get another resource on this page! The following resources are available:

Sending E-Mail to the Developers

When you have problems or questions, do not hesitate to write an e-mail to the daVinci developers. Before doing so, please consult the latest bugreport and this online documentation (especially chapter Questions & Answers) to see if there is already a solution for your problem. The daVinci project is also glad to be informed about applications of this software, suggestions for new features, or even criticism.

Visiting the daVinci WWW Server

To get more information about daVinci, you should visit the WWW server of the daVinci project at Universität Bremen (Center for Computing Technology, TZI) from time to time. There you can read more about:

Subscribing to the Mailing List

The daVinci project maintains a mailing list to inform users about announcements and other news related to daVinci. You are automatically asked to subscribe to this list with the first use of the software. If you want to subscribe manually, please write an e-mail to the daVinci project.

Getting the latest Bugreport

The latest bugreport contains information about all known bugs and problems in daVinci, their current state and available fixes or work-arounds. The developers will update this report as soon as a new bug is found or a fix is released. When you find a malfunction in daVinci, please consult this report first to see if this is an already known problem.

Getting the latest Questions & Answers

The latest version of the Questions & Answers document is available on the daVinci WWW server. You have a local copy of this document which may not reflect the current state, so it might be a good idea to take a look into the latest version in case of problems.

Downloading daVinci

To download daVinci, it is recommended to use this form to get additional information about the distributions. You can also download daVinci directly from the ftp-server at Universität Bremen (Center for Computing Technology, TZI) (ftp://ftp.tzi.de/tzi/biss/daVinci). This is the place where you can find the latest version. Other servers (e.g. ftp://ftp.wustl.edu/graphics/graphics/packages/daVinci in the USA) are mirroring daVinci, but it usually takes some time to see a new release on one of the mirrors.

daVinci V2.1 Online Documentation - Page update: June 15, 1998