We mentioned earlier that one of the advances this second-generation version of FDR offers is the ability to build up a system gradually, at each stage compressing the subsystems to find an equivalent process with (hopefully) many less states. This is one of the ways (and the only one which is expected to be released in the immediate future) in which implicit model-checking capabilities have been added to FDR.
By these means we can certainly rival the sizes of systems analysed by BDD's (see [Clarke90], for example), though like the latter, our implicit methods will certainly be sensitive to what example they are applied to and how skillfully they are used. Hopefully the examples later in these sections will illustrate this.
The idea of compressing systems as they are constructed is not new, and indeed it has been used to a very limited extent in FDR for several years (bisimulation is used to compact the leaf processes). What is new is that the nature of CSP equivalences is exploited to achieve far better compressions in some cases than can be achieved using other, stronger equivalences.
These sections summarise the main compression techniques implemented so far in the FDR2 refinement engine and give some indications of their efficiency and applicability. Further details can be found in [RosEtAl95].
The concept of a Generalised Labelled Transition System (GLTS) combines
the features of a standard labelled transition system and those of the
normal-form transition systems used in FDR1 to represent
specification processes [Roscoe94].
Those normalised machines are (apart from the nondeterminism coded in
the labellings) deterministic in that there are no
actions and each node has at most one successor under each
The structures of a GLTS allow us to combine the behaviour of all the
nodes reachable from a single P under
actions into one node:
Two things should be pointed out immediately:
FDR2 is designed to be highly flexible about what sort of transition systems it can work on. We will assume, however, that it is always working with GLTS ones which essentially generalise them all. The operational semantics of CSP have to be extended to deal with the labellings on nodes: it is straightforward to construct the rules that allow us to infer the labelling on a combination of nodes (under some CSP construct) from the labellings on the individual ones.
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