The objective of compression is to reduce the number of states in the target system as much as possible, with the secondary objectives of keeping the number of transitions and the complexity of any minimal acceptance marking as low as possible.
There are essentially two possibilities for the best compression of a given system: either its normal form or the result of applying some combination of the other techniques. For whatever equivalence-preserving transformation is performed on a transition system, the normal form (from its root node) must be invariant; and all of the other techniques leave any normal form system unchanged. In many cases (such as the chain of COPYs above) the two will be the same size (for the diamond elimination immediately finds a system equivalent to the normal form, as does equivalence factoring), but there are certainly cases where each is better.
The relative speeds (and memory use) of the various techniques vary
substantially from example to example, but broadly speaking the relative
efficiencies are (in decreasing order)
elimination (except in rare complex cases), bisimulation, diamond
elimination, normalisation and equivalence factoring.
The last two can, of course, be done together since the entire normal
form contains the usual normal form within it.
Diamond elimination is an extremely useful strategy to carry out before
either sort of normalisation, both because it reduces the size of the
system on which the normal form is computed (and the number of seed
nodes for the entire normal form) and because it eliminates the need for
searching through chains of
which forms a large part of the normalisation process.
One should note that all our compression techniques guarantee to do no worse than leave the number of states unchanged, with the exception of normalisation which in the worst case can expand the number of states exponentially. Cases of expanding normal forms are very rare in practical systems.
All of these compression techniques have been implemented and many experiments have been performed using them. Ultimately we expect that FDR2's compression processing will be at least to some extent automated according to a strategy based on a combination of these techniques, with the additional possibility of user intervention.
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