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CoFI Notes

The CoFI Notes are mainly informal draft documents, intended primarily for dissemination of views between participants of the CoFI Task Groups.

Some of the listed Notes have been subsumed by proper publications or full CoFI Documents.

A couple of Coordination Notes explain how to use the LaTeX packages for formatting CoFI documents and Casl specifications.
Language Design:
The numbered Language Design Notes include proposals for Casl libraries, sublanguages, extensions.

The older un-numbered Language Design Study Notes are primarily concerned with various languge design choices, and are mostly obsolete.

The Methodology Notes address various methodological issues concerning the use of Casl for specification and development of software.
The Semantics Notes discuss foundational issues, and the definition of the formal semantics of Casl.
The Tools Notes are concerned with the use of Casl to gain interoperabilty of existing tools, and with particular issues regarding the provision of tool support for users of Casl.
Reactive Systems:
Some notes concerning the work of the Reactive Systems Task Group are available separately.

CoFI : CoFI -- Version:  -- November 29, 2004.
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ArchivesCoFI PresentationsCoFI Notes