Bibliography of CoFI Language Design Study Notes

January 28, 2001

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This bibliography simply lists the entries in the file cofibib.bib concerning the early Language Design Study Notes. The order of listing is determined by the labels. The later Notes on Language Design are listed separately.

The documents are available in various formats from the CoFI WWW and FTP archives.


Anne Haxthausen and Friederike Nickl.
Parameterization and subsorting.
Language Design Study Note AH+FN-1, in [26], 1996.
Bernd Krieg-Brückner.
Language Design Study Note BKB-3, in [26], 1996.
Bernd Krieg-Brückner.
Data types and constraints.
Language Design Study Note BKB-4, in [26], 1996.
Bernd Krieg-Brückner and Anne Haxthausen.
Overloading, subtypes and higher order functions.
Language Design Study Note BKB+AH-1, in [26], 1996.
Bernd Krieg-Brückner and Don Sannella.
Structuring concepts in-the-small.
Language Design Study Note BKB+DTS-1, in [26], 1996.
Bernd Krieg-Brückner and Don Sannella.
Structuring concepts.
Language Design Study Note BKB+DTS-2, in [26], 1996.
Didier Bert.
Language Design Study Note DB-1, in [26], 1996.
Don Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki.
Constructor implementations.
Language Design Study Note DTS+AT-1, in [26], 1996.
Don Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki.
Specifying and developing parameterised programs.
Language Design Study Note DTS+AT-2, in [26], 1996.
Don Sannella and Radu Grosu.
Types in specification languages.
Language Design Study Note DTS+RG-1, in [26], 1996.
Egidio Astesiano, Anne Haxthausen, and Gianna Reggio.
Language Design Study Note EA+AH+GR-1, in [26], 1996.
Egidio Astesiano and Gianna Reggio.
Entities for CFI.
Language Design Study Note EA+GR-1, in [26], 1996.
Egidio Astesiano and Gianna Reggio.
Development process methodology.
Language Design Study Note EA+GR-2, in [26], 1996.
Gianna Reggio.
Language Design Study Note GR-1, in [26], 1996.
Michel Bidoit.
On generic specifications.
Language Design Study Note MB-2, in [26], 1996.
Michel Bidoit, Don Sannella, and Andrzej Tarlecki.
Behavioural encapsulation.
Language Design Study Note MB+DTS+AT-1, in [26], 1996.
Maura Cerioli and Peter D. Mosses.
On subsorting.
Language Design Study Note MC+PDM-1, in [26], 1996.
Maura Cerioli, Till Mossakowski, Bernd Krieg-Brückner, Anne Haxthausen, Peter D. Mosses, and Olaf Owe.
Subsorting in CASL.
Language Design Study Note MC++-1, in [26], 1996.
Martin Wirsing.
Language Design Study Note MW-1, in [26], 1996.
Ole-Johan Dahl, Anne Haxthausen, and Bernd Krieg-Brückner.
Subsorting and higher-order functions.
Language Design Study Note OJD+AH+BKB-1, in [26], 1996.
Olaf Owe.
3-valued logic.
Language Design Study Note OO-1, in [26], 1996.
Olaf Owe and Ole-Johan Dahl.
Consistency requirements and constructivity.
Language Design Study Note OO+OJD-1, in [26], 1996.
Peter D. Mosses.
On abstract syntax.
Language Design Study Note PDM-1, in [26], 1996.
Peter D. Mosses.
On architectural specifications.
Language Design Study Note PDM-2, in [26], 1996.
Radu Grosu.
Language Design Study Note RG-1, in [26], 1996.
The Common Framework Initiative for algebraic specification and development, electronic archives.
Notes and Documents accessible from

CoFI Note: LDSN -- Version:  -- January 28, 2001.
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