OrganizationMethodologyReactive Systems

Reactive Systems

Specification of reactive systems, including consideration of states
Egidio Astesiano (Genova) and Heinrich Hussmann (Munich)
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An area of particular interest for applications is that of reactive, concurrent, distributed and real-time systems. There is considerable past work in algebraic specification that tackles systems of this kind, but nonetheless the application of Casl to such systems is speculative and preliminary in comparison with the rest of CoFI. The aim here is to propose and develop one or more extensions of Casl to deal with systems of this kind, and to study methods for developing software from such specifications. Extensions in three main categories are currently being considered:

Since object-oriented methods have a dominant role in concrete developments, the group will address OO aspects insofar they are needed for reaching the above goals, but object orientation is not addressed as an independent topic in itself.

Work in this area begun only after the design of Casl was complete and so it is still in its early stages. Presently, the work is organized in two tracks: autonomous and coordinated extensions.

Autonomous Extensions:
Proposals for such extensions are autonomously submitted to the Group; they are required to follow a suggested submission procedure, and are subject to approval [16]. Currently a number of proposals have been announced.
Coordinated Effort:
It has been decided to start an effort centered around UML, the Unified Modeling Language. We are pursuing two tracks.
CoFI : CoFI -- Version:  -- November 29, 2004.
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OrganizationMethodologyReactive Systems