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Overview -> User Interface -> Edit Menu

Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains operations for performing actions on the data. daVinci itself does not use this menu for its own operations. It is the primary philosophy of daVinci that the structure of a loaded graph cannot be modified by daVinci itself, so basic edit operations does not make sense.

Instead, this menu is the place where daVinci application programs, connected to the API, are able to attach their own menus. So entries in this menu are specific to a connected application and cannot be described here. Refer to the manual of the particular application for details.

One important daVinci application is the graph editor which is part of the daVinci distribution. The editor takes advantage of the API's menu feature and attaches its operation to the edit menu. Refer to the graph editor documentation for details.

daVinci V2.1 Online Documentation - Page update: June 15, 1998