Copyright | (c) C. Maeder, DFKI Bremen 2008 |
License | GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
analysis of VSE logic extension of CASL
- type VSESign = Sign Dlformula Procs
- uTrue :: Id
- uFalse :: Id
- aTrue :: TERM f
- aFalse :: TERM f
- uBoolean :: Id
- constBoolType :: OpType
- boolSig :: Sign f Procs
- lookupProc :: Id -> Sign f Procs -> Maybe Profile
- procsToOpMap :: Procs -> OpMap
- procsToPredMap :: Procs -> PredMap
- profileToOpType :: Profile -> Maybe OpType
- profileToPredType :: Profile -> PredType
- checkCases :: Sign f e -> [Named Sentence] -> [Diagnosis]
- basicAna :: (VSEBasicSpec, VSESign, GlobalAnnos) -> Result (VSEBasicSpec, ExtSign VSESign Symbol, [Named Sentence])
- mapDlformula :: MapSen Dlformula Procs VSEMorExt
- minExpForm :: Min Dlformula Procs
- simpDlformula :: Sign Dlformula Procs -> Dlformula -> Dlformula
- correctSign :: Sign f Procs -> Sign f Procs
- correctTarget :: Morphism f Procs VSEMorExt -> Morphism f Procs VSEMorExt
- inducedExt :: InducedSign f Procs VSEMorExt Procs
- type VSEMorExt = DefMorExt Procs
- type VSEMor = Morphism Dlformula Procs VSEMorExt
- type VSEBasicSpec = BASIC_SPEC () Procdecls Dlformula
- extVSEColimit :: Gr Procs (Int, VSEMorExt) -> Map Int VSEMor -> (Procs, Map Int VSEMorExt)
- vseMorExt :: CASLMor -> (Op_map, Pred_map)
procsToOpMap :: Procs -> OpMap
procsToPredMap :: Procs -> PredMap
profileToOpType :: Profile -> Maybe OpType
profileToPredType :: Profile -> PredType
checkCases :: Sign f e -> [Named Sentence] -> [Diagnosis]
basicAna :: (VSEBasicSpec, VSESign, GlobalAnnos) -> Result (VSEBasicSpec, ExtSign VSESign Symbol, [Named Sentence])
minExpForm :: Min Dlformula Procs
resolve overloading and type check terms and formulas
correctSign :: Sign f Procs -> Sign f Procs
correctTarget :: Morphism f Procs VSEMorExt -> Morphism f Procs VSEMorExt
adjust procs map in morphism target signature
type VSEBasicSpec = BASIC_SPEC () Procdecls Dlformula