Copyright | (c) Christian Maeder and Uni Bremen 2002-2006 |
License | GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | portable |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
CASL signatures also serve as local environments for the basic static analysis
- data OpType = OpType {}
- opSorts :: OpType -> [SORT]
- mkTotOpType :: [SORT] -> SORT -> OpType
- sortToOpType :: SORT -> OpType
- isSingleArgOp :: OpType -> Bool
- data PredType = PredType {}
- sortToPredType :: SORT -> PredType
- isBinPredType :: PredType -> Bool
- type OpMap = MapSet OP_NAME OpType
- type PredMap = MapSet PRED_NAME PredType
- type AnnoMap = MapSet Symbol Annotation
- data SymbType
- symbolKind :: SymbType -> SYMB_KIND
- data Symbol = Symbol {}
- idToSortSymbol :: Id -> Symbol
- idToOpSymbol :: Id -> OpType -> Symbol
- idToPredSymbol :: Id -> PredType -> Symbol
- type CASLSign = Sign () ()
- data Sign f e = Sign {}
- sortSet :: Sign f e -> Set SORT
- emptySign :: e -> Sign f e
- embedSign :: e -> Sign f1 e1 -> Sign f e
- mapForm :: f -> FORMULA f1 -> FORMULA f
- embedTheory :: (FORMULA f1 -> FORMULA f) -> e -> (Sign f1 e1, [Named (FORMULA f1)]) -> (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)])
- embedCASLTheory :: e -> (Sign f1 e1, [Named (FORMULA f1)]) -> (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)])
- getSyntaxTable :: Sign f e -> (PrecMap, AssocMap)
- class SignExtension e where
- isSubSignExtension :: e -> e -> Bool
- subsortsOf :: SORT -> Sign f e -> Set SORT
- setRevSortRel :: Sign f e -> Sign f e
- supersortsOf :: SORT -> Sign f e -> Set SORT
- toOP_TYPE :: OpType -> OP_TYPE
- toPRED_TYPE :: PredType -> PRED_TYPE
- toOpType :: OP_TYPE -> OpType
- toPredType :: PRED_TYPE -> PredType
- eqAndSubsorts :: Bool -> Rel SORT -> ([[SORT]], [(SORT, [SORT])])
- singleAndRelatedSorts :: Rel SORT -> ([SORT], [[SORT]])
- printSign :: (e -> Doc) -> Sign f e -> Doc
- closeSortRel :: Sign f e -> Sign f e
- nonEmptySortSet :: Sign f e -> Set Id
- setOpKind :: OpKind -> OpType -> OpType
- mkPartial :: OpType -> OpType
- mkTotal :: OpType -> OpType
- isTotal :: OpType -> Bool
- isPartial :: OpType -> Bool
- makePartial :: Set OpType -> Set OpType
- rmOrAddParts :: Bool -> Set OpType -> Set OpType
- rmOrAddPartsMap :: Bool -> OpMap -> OpMap
- diffMapSet :: PredMap -> PredMap -> PredMap
- diffOpMapSet :: OpMap -> OpMap -> OpMap
- diffSig :: (e -> e -> e) -> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Sign f e
- addOpMapSet :: OpMap -> OpMap -> OpMap
- addMapSet :: PredMap -> PredMap -> PredMap
- addSig :: (e -> e -> e) -> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Sign f e
- uniteCASLSign :: CASLSign -> CASLSign -> CASLSign
- interRel :: Ord a => Rel a -> Rel a -> Rel a
- interOpMapSet :: OpMap -> OpMap -> OpMap
- interMapSet :: PredMap -> PredMap -> PredMap
- interSig :: (e -> e -> e) -> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Sign f e
- isSubOpMap :: OpMap -> OpMap -> Bool
- isSubMap :: PredMap -> PredMap -> Bool
- isSubSig :: (e -> e -> Bool) -> Sign f e -> Sign f e -> Bool
- mapSetToList :: MapSet a b -> [(a, b)]
- addDiags :: [Diagnosis] -> State (Sign f e) ()
- addAnnoSet :: Annoted a -> Symbol -> State (Sign f e) ()
- addSymbol :: Symbol -> State (Sign f e) ()
- addSymbToDeclSymbs :: Sign e f -> Symbol -> Sign e f
- addSort :: SortsKind -> Annoted a -> SORT -> State (Sign f e) ()
- hasSort :: Sign f e -> SORT -> [Diagnosis]
- checkSorts :: [SORT] -> State (Sign f e) ()
- addSubsort :: SORT -> SORT -> State (Sign f e) ()
- addSubsortOrIso :: Bool -> SORT -> SORT -> State (Sign f e) ()
- closeSubsortRel :: State (Sign f e) ()
- checkNamePrefix :: Id -> [Diagnosis]
- alsoWarning :: String -> String -> Id -> [Diagnosis]
- checkWithMap :: String -> String -> Map Id a -> Id -> [Diagnosis]
- checkWithOtherMap :: String -> String -> MapSet Id a -> Id -> [Diagnosis]
- addVars :: VAR_DECL -> State (Sign f e) ()
- addVar :: SORT -> SIMPLE_ID -> State (Sign f e) ()
- addOpTo :: Id -> OpType -> OpMap -> OpMap
- type VarSet = Set (VAR, SORT)
- class TermExtension f where
- freeVarsOfExt :: Sign f e -> f -> VarSet
- optTermSort :: f -> Maybe SORT
- sortOfTerm :: f -> SORT
- termToFormula :: TERM f -> Result (FORMULA f)
- optSortOfTerm :: (f -> Maybe SORT) -> TERM f -> Maybe SORT
- mkAxName :: String -> SORT -> SORT -> String
- mkAxNameSingle :: String -> SORT -> String
- mkSortGenName :: [SORT] -> String
- toSortGenNamed :: FORMULA f -> [SORT] -> Named (FORMULA f)
- getConstructors :: [Named (FORMULA f)] -> Set (Id, OpType)
- addSymbToSign :: Sign e f -> Symbol -> Result (Sign e f)
data OpType
mkTotOpType :: [SORT] -> SORT -> OpType
sortToOpType :: SORT -> OpType
isSingleArgOp :: OpType -> Bool
data PredType
sortToPredType :: SORT -> PredType
isBinPredType :: PredType -> Bool
type AnnoMap = MapSet Symbol Annotation
data SymbType
symbolKind :: SymbType -> SYMB_KIND
data Symbol
idToSortSymbol :: Id -> Symbol
idToOpSymbol :: Id -> OpType -> Symbol
idToPredSymbol :: Id -> PredType -> Symbol
data Sign f e
the data type for the basic static analysis to accumulate variables, sentences, symbols, diagnostics and annotations, that are removed or ignored when looking at signatures from outside, i.e. during logic-independent processing.
Sign | |
embedTheory :: (FORMULA f1 -> FORMULA f) -> e -> (Sign f1 e1, [Named (FORMULA f1)]) -> (Sign f e, [Named (FORMULA f)])
getSyntaxTable :: Sign f e -> (PrecMap, AssocMap)
class SignExtension e where
isSubSignExtension :: e -> e -> Bool
SignExtension () | |
SignExtension CoCASLSign | |
SignExtension CASL_DLSign | |
SignExtension COLSign | |
SignExtension CspSign | Instance for CspCASL signature extension |
SignExtension EModalSign | |
SignExtension HybridSign | |
SignExtension ModalSign | |
SignExtension SignExt | |
SignExtension Procs |
subsortsOf :: SORT -> Sign f e -> Set SORT
proper subsorts (possibly excluding input sort)
setRevSortRel :: Sign f e -> Sign f e
supersortsOf :: SORT -> Sign f e -> Set SORT
proper supersorts (possibly excluding input sort)
toPRED_TYPE :: PredType -> PRED_TYPE
toPredType :: PRED_TYPE -> PredType
singleAndRelatedSorts :: Rel SORT -> ([SORT], [[SORT]])
closeSortRel :: Sign f e -> Sign f e
nonEmptySortSet :: Sign f e -> Set Id
makePartial :: Set OpType -> Set OpType
rmOrAddParts :: Bool -> Set OpType -> Set OpType
remove (True) or add (False) partial op if it is included as total
rmOrAddPartsMap :: Bool -> OpMap -> OpMap
diffMapSet :: PredMap -> PredMap -> PredMap
diffOpMapSet :: OpMap -> OpMap -> OpMap
addOpMapSet :: OpMap -> OpMap -> OpMap
uniteCASLSign :: CASLSign -> CASLSign -> CASLSign
interOpMapSet :: OpMap -> OpMap -> OpMap
interMapSet :: PredMap -> PredMap -> PredMap
isSubOpMap :: OpMap -> OpMap -> Bool
mapSetToList :: MapSet a b -> [(a, b)]
addAnnoSet :: Annoted a -> Symbol -> State (Sign f e) ()
addSymbToDeclSymbs :: Sign e f -> Symbol -> Sign e f
checkSorts :: [SORT] -> State (Sign f e) ()
addSubsort :: SORT -> SORT -> State (Sign f e) ()
closeSubsortRel :: State (Sign f e) ()
checkNamePrefix :: Id -> [Diagnosis]
alsoWarning :: String -> String -> Id -> [Diagnosis]
class TermExtension f where
extract the sort and free variables from an analysed term. The input signature for free variables is (currently only) used for statements in the VSE logic. The conversion for boolean terms to formulas is only used for FPL.
Minimal complete definition
freeVarsOfExt :: Sign f e -> f -> VarSet
optTermSort :: f -> Maybe SORT
sortOfTerm :: f -> SORT
termToFormula :: TERM f -> Result (FORMULA f)
mkAxNameSingle :: String -> SORT -> String
mkSortGenName :: [SORT] -> String
toSortGenNamed :: FORMULA f -> [SORT] -> Named (FORMULA f)
The sort generation constraint is given a generated name, built from the sort list
addSymbToSign :: Sign e f -> Symbol -> Result (Sign e f)
adds a symbol to a given signature