SimRobot for OS/2 is based on Borland's Object Windows
Library 2.0 and runs under IBM
OS/2. It uses the same source code as SimRobot for Windows. You must at least use Borland C++ 2.0 for OS/2 to be
able to compile SimRobot for OS/2.
- Integrated development environment for scene definitions.
- User interface with context sensitive menus and keyboard
- Context sensitive help for all keywords of the scene
description language in the integrated editor.
- One tree view of all objects and ports.
- You can "start/stop", "single step"
and "reset" the simulation.
- Sensor data can be displayed as line graph, surface graph,
column graph, monochrome image, color image and single
image random dots stereogram.
- The data's presentation can be copied to the clipboard.
- The window layout is stored for each scene definition
file. If you reopen a scene the layout is restored.
- You can easily derive your own robot controller from a
predefined class.
- Your controller can process mouse clicks in object views.
To download SimRobot, click here. For the installation, you will need an unzip utility
that supports long file names, e.g. "InfoZip". In the SimRobot package,
a "readme" file is included that describes the further steps.
Known Errors
- Texures aren't sized correctly if SCALE is used:
You can work around the bug by using the SIZE attribute
in the SURFACE declaration.
- Copying object views and sensor views to the
clipboard does not work very well:
The OWL does not compensate for the clipboard's different
metafile handling under OS/2.
- If escape is pressed in the OS/2 version, the
active window gets hidden:
There seems to be a bug in the OWL. The problem is fixed
now for the main window and all client windows but not
for the search/replace dialogs.
Corrected Errors
- While compiling the scene the attribute DEPTH generates '('
- A VEHICLE doesn't move in y-direction.
- The use of ZBUFFER changes the DEPTH values returned by
- While displaying a scene with hidden lines a "division
by zero" error is generated.
- SimRobot ignores the sign of reals in the range ]-1..0[.
- If sensor data is displayed in a line view or a column
view SimRobot uses more and more resources.