Go backward to 5.1 Calling the ELAN Interpreter
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5.2 Calling the ELAN Compiler

> fenv2elan GT_pred.fenv -sort=bool -compil -nosplit
To Efix ...
To REF ...
warning: the query sort is bool, index= 428
Reduce ELAN Machine v.2.1
        (c) LORIA (CNRS, INPL, INRIA, UHP, U-Nancy 2), 1998, 1999, 2000
Author: P.-E. Moreau
Reduce ELAN Machine. Reading from file ./GT_pred.ref . . .
*** The compiled query is not ground
Compiling nonamed rules..
Compiling strategies
execute the following line to build your program
        gmake --file ./GT_pred.make

Then the generated C code is compiled with the following command:

> gmake --file ./GT_pred.make

Finally, we get an executable file called a.out. This program computes the normal form of any query term:

> a.out

Enter a query term of sort 'bool'
s(s(zero)) > s(zero) end

result = true

CoFI Note: T-9 -- Version: 1 -- November 10, 2000.
Comments to FirstName.LastName@loria.fr

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