Go up to 5 Available Tools for Executing CASL Equational Specifications
Go forward to 5.2 Calling the ELAN Compiler

5.1 Calling the ELAN Interpreter

> fenv2elan GT_pred.fenv -sort=bool -interp
To Efix ...
To REF ...
warning: the query sort is bool, index= 428

        ******** ELAN version 3.4 (03/12/99.19:39) ********

         (c)   LORIA (CNRS, INPL, INRIA, UHP, U-Nancy 2), 1994 - 1999

Import form file GT_pred

Importing Identifiers
Importing Sorts
Importing Modules
Importing RuleNames
Importing StrategyNames

enter query term finished by the key word 'end':
s(s(zero)) > s(zero) end

[] start with term :

[] result term:

[] end

enter query term finished by the key word 'end':
s(zero) > s(s(zero)) end

[] start with term :

[] result term:

[] end

CoFI Note: T-9 -- Version: 1 -- November 10, 2000.
Comments to FirstName.LastName@loria.fr

Go up to 5 Available Tools for Executing CASL Equational Specifications
Go forward to 5.2 Calling the ELAN Compiler