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3 SORT-GEN-ITEM : Some Examples

The SORT-GEN-ITEM construct allows to equip sorts and/or operations with the generation constraint. This construct is to be used when one wants to express that the intended models should not allow other ways to obtain data of the sort corresponding domain (or carrier set) than those specified. Let us also note that the generation constraint yields an induction scheme that is useful for theorem proving. For instance, the following NAT_G specification forbids a model where the set of integers (with negative numbers) would be a carrier set for the sort Nat, and provides an induction scheme for Nat with zero and suc__.
generated sort
Nat ::= zero | suc__:Nat

It is also possible to specify that a freely generated constraint as in NAT_FG below. Let us note that the use of the freely generated constraint should be limited to cases where monomorphic data types are intended (i.e. "true" naturals, "true" lists, etc.).

freely generated sort
Nat ::= zero | suc__:Nat

In practice, it is often a good idea to provide "characteristic" predicates that can be used to find out how data of a given sort are generated3. This is why in the following specification both is_empty and is_unit are provided.

LIST[sort Elem] =
generated sort
List[Elem] ::=
empty | sort Elem |
__ __:Elem ×List[Elem]
empty is_empty;
¬ (e is_empty);
¬ (e l is_empty);
¬ (empty is_unit);
e is_unit;
e l is_unit <=> l is_empty;
e = e empty  %% OK since e:List[Elem]
e:Elem; l:List[Elem]

CoFI Note: M-2 ---- 5 January 1998.
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