Go backward to 1 CASL concrete syntax related to data type declaration
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Go forward to 3 SORT-GEN-ITEM : Some Examples
2 SORT-ITEM : Some Examples for
With this construct, CASL provides the facility to specify concisely
various ways for building data of a given sort.
- spec
- LIST[sort Elem] =
- sort
- List[Elem] ::=
empty |
sort Elem |
__ __:Elem×List[Elem]
- ...
- end
An equivalent (and more verbose) specification for
LIST[sort Elem] is the following:
- spec
- LIST[sort Elem] =
- sort
- List[Elem];
- ops
- empty: -> List[Elem];
__ __:Elem×List[Elem] -> List[Elem]
- ...
- end
It is often quite practical to provide selectors
(as the_name_of and the_content_of in the FILE example)
to easily recover the various parts from which a data is build.
- spec
- FILE =
- sort
- File ::= <__.__>:
(the_name_of__:Name) ×
- end
An equivalent (and quite more verbose) specification for FILE
is the following:
- spec
- FILE =
- sort
- File
- ops
- <__.__>: Name ×Content -> File;
the_name_of__: File -> Name;
the_content_of__:File -> Content
- axioms
- forall n:Name, c:Content
- .
- the_name_of <n.c> = n
- .
- the_content_of <n.c> = c
- end
Note: M-2 ---- 5 January 1998.
Comments to Christine.Choppy@irin.univ-nantes.fr