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CoFI mailing lists; CoFI workshop in Cachan

Dear CoFI friends,

Please excuse the misuse of this technical mailing list for a
non-technical general announcement.  This is in response to complaints
from some people that they have not heard about the ESPRIT-funded CoFI
Working Group or about the recently-announced upcoming CoFI workshop
in Cachan.

In addition to the various technical mailing lists, to which this
message is addressed (cofi-language@brics.dk, cofi-reactive@brics.dk,
etc.) there is a low-volume mailing list,
to which all general CoFI announcements, including all announcements
about CoFI WG, are sent.  *Everybody* who is interested in CoFI is
expected to subscribe to this mailing list.  See
for information about all the CoFI mailing lists including subscription
information and archives.

Enclosed below is a copy of my recent announcement about the upcoming
CoFI workshop in Cachan.  Register now!  There is travel funding
available from CoFI WG for eligible participants, see below.

Don Sannella
CoFI WG coordinator


A CoFI workshop will take place in Cachan, just outside Paris,
starting on Saturday 7 November after lunch and finishing on Wednesday
11 November in the afternoon.  This will consist of a sequence of task
group meetings as follows:

    Sat  7/11  14.30-16.00  Methodology
	       16.30-19.00  Methodology
	       dinner       Semantics

    Sun  8/11   9.00-12.00  Methodology
	       lunch        Semantics, if required
	       13.30-16.00  Language Design
	       16.30-19.00  Language Design
	       dinner       Coordination (CoFI WG coordinators only)

    Mon  9/11   9.00-12.00  Language Design
	       lunch        with some information about CoFI WG
	       13.30-16.00  Tools
	       16.30-19.00  Reactive Systems

    Tue 10/11   9.00-12.00  Tools | Reactive Systems
	       13.30-16.00  Tools | Reactive Systems
	       16.30-19.00  Reactive Systems

    Wed 11/11   9.00-12.00  Reactive Systems
	       13.30-16.00  Reactive Systems

Depending on the inclination of the participants, the meeting of the
Reactive Systems task group may conclude on Wednesday morning or
Tuesday evening.

Information about each task group meeting, including the planned
agenda, will be announced by the task group coordinator on the
relevant mailing list:

	cofi-language@brics.dk:    Language Design
	cofi-semantics@brics.dk:   Semantics
	cofi-methodology@brics.dk: Methodology
	cofi-tools@brics.dk:       Tools
	cofi-reactive@brics.dk:    Reactive Systems

If you are interested in contributing to the work of any of these task 
groups, you should join the relevant list(s) now if you haven't done
so already -- see http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI/Subscription.html .

The workshop will be organized by Michel Bidoit of Laboratoire
Spécification et Vérification at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan.
This is the first workshop to be organized by the ESPRIT-funded CoFI
Working Group (see http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/dts/CoFI-WG) and
travel funding will be available to European attendees under the terms
described in http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/dts/CoFI-WG/money.html .
Lunches and refreshments for coffee breaks will be provided, and hotel
rooms will be organized.  For attendees who are not funded by CoFI WG
there will be a small registration charge to cover the cost of lunches.

To attend the workshop:

  1. If you require travel funding from CoFI WG, contact one of the CoFI
     WG coordinators to get permission.  For a list with e-mail addresses,
     see http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/dts/CoFI-WG/money.html . 

  2. In any case, register for the workshop by filling out the form
     below and sending it to Michel.

The next CoFI workshop will take place immediately before or after
ETAPS'99 (22-26 March) in Amsterdam.  (The submission deadline for
ETAPS'99 is 28 Sept -- see http://www.cwi.nl/conferences/ETAPS99.html .)

Best regards,

Don Sannella
CoFI WG coordinator


                CoFI Workshop in Cachan, France
                Sat 7th - Wed 11th November, 1998.

Last Name:
First Name:
Postal address:

I will attend the CoFI Workshop in Cachan.

Date of arrival:    ../11/98
Date of departure:  ../11/98

I will attend the following Task Group Meetings:
Language Design:  YES NO
Methodology:      YES NO
Semantics:        YES NO
Tools             YES NO
Reactive Systems: YES NO

I will attend Reactive Systems meeting on Wednesday 11/11/98, if any:
11th morning: YES NO  11th afternoon: YES NO

I need a [single|double] room from ../11/98 to ../11/98 (.. nights)
[I want to share the double room with .................]

I expect that my travel will be funded by CoFI WG: YES NO   (If YES,
don't forget to contact one of the CoFI WG coordinators for permission!)

Special dietary requirements:

WARNING: Please register asap. Hotel accommodation will be very difficult
to arrange for that period due to other events. It will be slightly
easier to change date of arrival/date of departure than to find a hotel
room at the last minute. So, if you are sure you will attend but you don't
yet know your travel schedule, please pre-register NOW and let me know
later your exact dates of arrival/departure. 

Registered participants will be sent more information about the location of
the workshop, the hotel, and on how to reach Cachan (which is very near

Please send the above completed form by e-mail to:
or fax it to: Michel Bidoit - LSV - +33-1-47 40 24 64