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The CFI acronym

The following news has just been added to our CFI home page.


IMPORTANT! The acronym `CFI' is already used by the `CAD Framework Initiative',
so we'll have to change ours...:-(   

The current suggestions are:

          Common Framework Initiative
          Common Framework Initiative
          - perhaps best pronounced as `coffee' rather than as `co-final'
     CAF, CAFI
          Common Algebraic Framework (Initiative)
          - perhaps too close to the major Japanese `CafeOBJ' project for

A search on Alta Vista indicated that none of the above acronyms are already in
use in even remotely related projects, products, or organizations - apart from
CAF: `Computers and Academic Freedom'! The new acronym (and perhaps name) for
our initiative is to be decided at the Oxford meeting. Please send suggestions
before Tuesday 19 March 1996 to:

     \|/   Peter D. Mosses  <pdmosses@brics.dk>
     ???       Common Framework Initiative
     /|\   WWW http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CFI
