cofi-language Mail Archive Threads 1999
Thread index
Last updated: Tue Feb 15 09:17:36 2000
29 messages
[CoFI] Agenda of the Language Design Task Group Meeting,
[CoFI] Proposed Changes to the CASL Summary,
Peter Mosses
Proposal of some annotations and literal syntax in CASL,
Markus Roggenbach
[CoFI] Minutes of the Language Design Group Meeting,
Bernd Krieg-Brueckner
Conditions for free types,
Till Mossakowski
annotation for implies,
Peter Mosses
CASL Revised List of Changes installed,
Peter D. Mosses
Literal syntax,
Till Mossakowski
Re: Revised List of Changes,
Peter Mosses
Remaining Syntax Issues and Revised literal syntax,
Till Mossakowski
New version of the Casl parser,
Mark van den Brand
Second Bremen Proposal on an Annotation IMPLIES,
Markus Roggenbach
[CoFI] New release of CASL v1.0 Summary installed,
Peter Mosses
predicate definitions in CASL,
Don Sannella
minutes of LD Meeting at Bonas,
Final Proposal for Annotation IMPLIES,
Markus Roggenbach
No Subject,
REMINDER: CoFI publications !!!,
Some Remarks on %cons-Annotations,
Dieter Hutter
New Version 0.3 of the Basic Datatypes,
Markus Roggenbach
Assistant Professor for Secure Systems,
Bernd Krieg-Brückner
CASL-LTL extension of CASL for reactive systems,
Gianna Reggio
Y2K problem - the solution,
Till Mossakowski
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