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CASL Revised List of Changes installed

LATEST NEWS from the CoFI web pages:

      *New release of CASL Summary version 1.0 deferred to mid-July...*

      A revised version of the Summary-Changes document (see below) has been
      installed, reflecting the final changes to be made to the CASL
      Summary--except regarding various rather technical issues concerning
      Concrete Syntax (Appendix C), which are *still* awaiting resolution.

      Moreover, a new Tools note--submitted in April, but never installed--has
      been discovered, and is now available:
        * Note [[T-7]]. Axel Schairer:
          Using standard tools to create lexers and parsers for CASL.
          April 1999.

      The note is particularly relevant to the discussion of the
location of
      comments. Apologies to all--especially the author--for the delay! (By
      the way, the revised version of Tools Note T-3 was originally announced
      as Note T-7, due to a misunderstanding.)

The URL of the revised list of changes is as before:



-- Peter Mosses