
are available for the whole CoFI project.
Interchange Format
van den Brand, H.A. de Jong, P. Klint, P. Olivier:
Efficient Annotated Terms - Software, Practice & Experience,
accepted for publication, 2000.
de Jong, P. Olivier:
ATerm Library User Manual - University of Amsterdam, 1999.
Parsers and static checkers
M. Cerioli,
A. Haxthausen, B. Krieg-Brueckner,T. Mossakowski, :
Permissive subsorted partial logic in CASL - In Algebraic
methodology and software technology, AMAST '97, Springer-Verlag, Lecture
Notes in Computer Science,vol.1349, pp.91--107, 1997.
Mossakowski, Kolyang, B. Krieg-Brueckner:
Static semantic analysis and theorem proving for CASL -
In Recent trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, Proceedings
of 12th Workshop, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,vol.1376,
pp.333--348, 1998.
Mossakowski, Kolyang:
The HOL-CASL parser and static checker - In Design, Basic
Datatypes, Tools. User Group Meeting 3, on supplementary CR-ROM for
Formal Methods 99. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,vol.1708/1709,
van den Brand, J.Scheerder:
Development of Parsing Tools for CASL based on Generic Language
Technology - Presented at WADT'99 Workshop on Algebraic Development
Techniques, 1999.
Rewrite Engines
Moreau, H. Kirchner:
A compiler for Rewrite Programs in Associative-Commutative Theories
- In Principles of Declarative Programming, Proceedings of International
Conference PLILP/ALP'98. Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science,vol.1492, pp.230--249, 1998.
Borovansky, C. Kirchner, H. Kirchner, P.E. Moreau, C. Ringeissen:
An overview of ELAN - In Proceedings of WRLA'98, the 2nd
international workshop on rewriting logic and its applications, Pont-à-Mousson
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol.15,
C. Kirchner, H. Kirchner (eds), 1998.
H. Kirchner,
C. Ringeissen :
Executing CASL Equational Specifications with the ELAN Rewrite
Engine - Presented at WADT'99 Workshop on Algebraic Development
Techniques, 1999.
P.D. Mosses.
CASL for ASF+SDF users. In ASF+SDF'97, 2nd Intl. Workshop
on the Theory and Practice of Algebraic Specifications}, volume of
Electronic Workshops in Computing. Springer-Verlag, 1997.
Mossakowski, Kolyang, B. Krieg-Brueckner:
Static semantic analysis and theorem proving for CASL -
In Recent trends in Algebraic Development Techniques, Proceedings
of 12th Workshop, Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,vol.1376,
pp.333--348, 1998.
Autexier, D. Hutter, H. Mantel, and A. Schairer.
Inka 5.0: a logic voyager. Proc. 16th Intl. Conference
on Automated Deduction, Trento. LNAI vol.1632, pp.207--211. Springer,
Autexier, D. Hutter, H. Mantel, and A. Schairer.
Towards an Evolutionary Formal Software-Development Using CASL.
Presented at WADT'99 Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques,
Reif, G. Schellhorn, K. Stenzel, M. Balser.
Structured Specifications and Interactive Proof with KIV. in
Automated Deduction---A Basis for Applications, W. Bibel and P. Schmitt
(eds.), Kluwer, 1998.
D. Baillie
Proving Theorems about CASL Specifications with PVS -
Presented at WADT'99 Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques,
T. Mossakowski,
HOL-CASL demonstration - In Design, Basic Datatypes, Tools.
User Group Meeting 3, on supplementary CR-ROM for Formal Methods 99.
Springer-Verlag, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,vol.1708/1709,
T. Mossakowski :
CASL: From Semantics to Tools - In Proc. TACAS 2000
Conference, LNCS, Springer, 2000.
T. Mossakowski
Relating CASL with other specfication languages : the institution
level - Submitted to Theoretical Computer Science, 2000.