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Overview -> Reference -> API Reference -> Commands of Category Special

daVinci API Definition - Special Commands

On this page, API commands of the special category are described. This category covers all commands to select or scroll to particular nodes. The commands of this category are enclosed by keyword special(...). Click here to get an overview of all API commands.


-> Returns answer node_selections_labels(...)!

This command can be used for setting the selection in a graph to the nodes specified by node_ids. The new selection is returned by the node_selections_labels(...) answer of the command.


-> Returns answer edge_selection_label(...)!

This command can be used for setting the selection in a graph to the edge specified by edge_id. The new selection is returned by the edge_selection_label(...) answer of the command.


Scrolls to the node specified by node_id. Usually, it is a better practice to use the next command special(focus_node_animated(...)) which takes advantage of animation to scroll smoothly to the new point of focus. In multi-view mode, this operation will only affect the master view of the current context, where in multi-window mode it will affect the current window.


Scrolls to the node specified by node_id with animation, i.e. the window with the graph visualization will scroll smoothly to the new point of focus. The speed of animation can be set using command set(animation_speed(...)). If animation is not required, command special(focus_node(...)) can be used instead. In multi-view mode, this operation will only affect the master view of the current context, where in multiwindow mode it will affect the current window.


Displays a particular HTML-page in Netscape Navigator specified by the URL given in the string parameter. If this string contains a ':/' substring then the URL is expected to be global and passed to Netscape as is. Otherwise, if no substring ':/' occurs, the URL is expected to be a relative filename in the docs/ directory of the daVinci distribution. In the second case, daVinci adds the content of the Online Documentation: field of the general settings dialog as prefix to the given string before passing the URL to Netscape.

To use this command, daVinci has to be configured to be able to access the online documentation according to these rules. This is usually true with the initial installation of the daVinci system.

daVinci V2.1 Online Documentation - Page update: June 15, 1998