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Overview -> Reference -> API Reference

daVinci API

The basic concept of daVinci is to provide a generic graph user interface that can be used on top of any application program. The application is able to access all operations of daVinci by using the API (Application Programmer Interface). So, the programmer of an application who might want to have a powerful graphical user interface to display the applications graph data structures does not need to re-invent the wheel. Instead, the application can simply plug daVinci to get state-of-the-art graph visualization.

Note: The syntax of the API has been completely revised with transition from daVinci V1.x to V2.x. An automatic backward compatibility mode supports all commands of the former V1.x API. Programmers of applications written for daVinci V1.x should read the Transition Guide. Some command names have changed from daVinci V2.0.x to daVinci V2.1.x, but all commands available in daVinci V2.0.x are still available for backward compatibility. This means your daVinci V2.0.x application should still work without any changes.

The following subtitles are available in this chapter:

daVinci V2.1 Online Documentation - Page update: June 15, 1998