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1.3.1 Using refinement
A formal system supporting refinement can be used in a number of ways:
We can develop systems by a series of stepwise refinements, starting
with a specification process and gradually refining it into an
Since our notions of refinement are all preserved by the operators of
CSP, there is no need to apply refinement rules only at the highest
levels in this process.
For example, if the parallel composition of P and Q
refines a specification S, written
then we can develop the system further by refining P and Q
separately: if
then the composition of P' and Q' will also refine
We do not need to check this condition explicitly.
The same observation about compositionality, or monotonicity, of
refinement, means that it is always possible to replace any component of
a system by one that refines it, and retain any correctness properties
proved using the same notion of refinement.
A proposed implementation can be compared to idealised processes
representing specifications.
These specifications might be complex and be intended to capture the
complete behaviour of the implementation, or be simple and capture a
single desirable property such as deadlock freedom.
By proving failures-divergence refinement both ways, two processes can
be shown to be equivalent and therefore interchangeable.
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