Copyright | (c) Paolo Torrini and Till Mossakowski and Uni Bremen 2004-2005 |
License | GPLv2 or higher, see LICENSE.txt |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | non-portable (depends on programatica using MPTC) |
Safe Haskell | None |
auxiliary functions for the embedding comorphism from Haskell to Isabelle
removeEL :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
newConstTab :: Continuity -> [Named Sentence] -> ConstTab
getTermName :: Term -> Maybe String
type IsaPattern = Term
class IsaName a where
termMAbs :: Continuity -> [Term] -> Term -> Term
termMAppl :: Continuity -> Term -> [Term] -> Term
remove_duplicates :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
getInstClass :: HsPred -> HsType
getInstType :: HsPred -> HsType
repVarClass :: IsaType -> IsaClass -> IsaType -> IsaType
constrVarClass :: IsaType -> [(IsaType, Sort)] -> IsaType
getLitName :: HsType -> PNT
transTN :: Continuity -> String -> String -> String
funFliftbin :: Term -> Term
liftMapByListD :: (x -> [a]) -> ([c] -> y) -> (a -> b1) -> (a -> b2) -> ([(b1, b2)] -> [c]) -> x -> y
nothingFiOut :: [(a, (Maybe b, c))] -> [(a, (b, c))]
type IsaTypeInsts = (TName, [(IsaClass, [(IsaType, [IsaClass])])])
type TyMap = Map HsId (Kind, HsTypeInfo)
liftMapByList :: (x -> [(a, b)]) -> ([(c, d)] -> y) -> (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> x -> y
type HsTypeInfo = TypeInfo PNT
type HsInstance = Instance PNT
type HsInstances = [Instance PNT]
extClassInfo :: HsTypeInfo -> [HsClass]
extAbbrsInfo :: HsTypeInfo -> ([PNT], HsType)
groupInst :: [IsaTypeInsts] -> [IsaTypeInsts]
getMainInstType :: HsInstance -> HsType
prepInst :: HsInstance -> (HsClass, [(HsType, [HsClass])])
checkTyCons :: HsId -> Bool
getDepDoms :: DomainTab -> DomainTab
getDomType :: AConstTab -> VName -> IsaType
getFieldTypes :: AConstTab -> VName -> [IsaType]
isCont :: Continuity -> Bool
replaceTyVar :: IsaType -> IsaType -> IsaType
mthTy :: Continuity -> String -> String -> IsaType
getContinuity :: Continuity -> IsaTerm -> Continuity