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Research Group Theoretical Computer Science
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Publications in 1988 (get BIBTeX file):

Annegret Habel, Hans-Jörg Kreowski: Pretty Patterns Produced by Hyperedge Replacement. In Proc. Workshop on Graphtheoretical Concepts in Computer Science WG'87, volume 314 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 32-45. Springer, 1988.

Annegret Habel, Hans-Jörg Kreowski, Detlef Plump: Jungle Evalutation. In Proc. International Workshop on Abstract Data Types ADT'87, volume 332 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 92-112. Springer, 1988.

Berthold Hoffmann, Detlef Plump: Jungle Evaluation for Efficient Term Rewriting. In Jan Grabowski, Pierre Lescanne, Wolfgang Wechler, editors, Algebraic and Logic Programming, International Workshop, Gaussig, GDR, November 14-18, 1988, Proceedings, volume 343 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 191-203. Springer, 1988.

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