www-cache.informatik.uni-bremen.de Proxy Report

09.Dec 03 00:00:09 - 09.Dec 03 23:58:37

Summary for www-cache.informatik.uni-bremen.de

lines parsed: 100344
invalid lines: 3
parse time (sec): 250

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Incoming requests by method

method request % kByte % sec kB/sec
GET 95213 94.89 1512221 96.32 0 21.54
ICP_QUERY 2330 2.32 178 0.01 0 764.32
CONNECT 2121 2.11 10546 0.67 3 1.56
POST 536 0.53 46835 2.98 4 19.59
HEAD 96 0.10 39 0.00 0 1.96
PROPFIND 30 0.03 180 0.01 3 1.96
OPTIONS 18 0.02 11 0.00 0 13.55
Sum 100344 100.00 1570013 100.00 0 19.75

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Incoming UDP-requests by status

status request % kByte % msec kB/sec
HIT 734 31.50 52 29.41 0 713.53
  UDP_HIT 734 31.50 52 29.41 0 713.53
MISS 1596 68.50 125 70.59 0 787.68
  UDP_MISS 1596 68.50 125 70.59 0 787.68
Sum 2330   178   0 764.32

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Incoming TCP-requests by status

status request % kByte % sec kB/sec
HIT 47625 48.59 165968 10.57 0 21.03
  TCP_REFRESH_HIT 19806 20.21 90629 5.77 0 14.84
  TCP_IMS_HIT 14209 14.50 13235 0.84 0 24.69
  TCP_HIT 8402 8.57 52450 3.34 0 48.52
  TCP_MEM_HIT 4671 4.77 8768 0.56 0 59.39
  TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT 537 0.55 885 0.06 0 43.37
MISS 49764 50.77 1403316 89.39 1 25.71
  TCP_MISS 42046 42.90 1365420 86.98 1 26.46
  TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS 4538 4.63 25361 1.62 0 13.91
  TCP_REFRESH_MISS 3180 3.24 12534 0.80 0 10.90
ERROR 625 0.64 549 0.04 27 0.03
  TCP_MISS 306 0.31 256 0.02 55 0.02
  TCP_DENIED 221 0.23 226 0.01 0 29.20
  NONE 56 0.06 67 0.00 0 29.33
  TCP_REFRESH_MISS 42 0.04 0 0.00 0 0.00
Sum 98014   1569835   0 19.75

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Outgoing requests by status

status request % kByte % sec kB/sec
DIRECT Fetch from Source 69562 100.00 1493916 100.00 0 25.15
  DIRECT 69562 100.00 1493916 100.00 0 25.15
SIBLING 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
PARENT 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
Sum 69562   1493916   0 25.15

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Outgoing requests by destination

neighbor type request % kByte % sec kB/sec
DIRECT 69562 100.00 1493916 100.00 0 25.15
Sum 69562   1493916   0 25.15

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Request-destinations by 2ndlevel-domain

destination request % kByte % hit-%
*.ebaystatic.com 10508 10.72 9849 0.63 91.93
*.amazon.com 3932 4.01 7123 0.45 73.83
*.gmx.net 3394 3.46 15844 1.01 51.83
*.spiegel.de 2966 3.03 10737 0.68 39.24
*.t-online.de 2323 2.37 6952 0.44 28.84
*.heise.de 2235 2.28 9748 0.62 22.95
<error> 1710 1.74 2493 0.16 31.46
*.web.de 1562 1.59 5546 0.35 16.33
*.google.de 1515 1.55 5321 0.34 42.57
*.ebay.com 1365 1.39 2191 0.14 91.87
*.bangbrosworldwide.com 1154 1.18 4727 0.30 82.15
*.uni-bremen.de 1135 1.16 678140 43.20 74.10
*.catholic.org 1085 1.11 3772 0.24 52.17
*.o2online.de 1033 1.05 2746 0.17 47.05
*.microsoft.com 1027 1.05 126008 8.03 41.77
*.bremen.de 1022 1.04 3961 0.25 71.72
*.yimg.com 1006 1.03 2428 0.15 81.61
*.ivwbox.de 1002 1.02 432 0.03 27.25
*.werder-online.de 824 0.84 4442 0.28 75.61
213.165.65.* 816 0.83 353 0.02 0.00
other: 1677 2nd-level-domains 56400 57.54 667011 42.49 39.97
Sum 98014 100.00 1569835 100.00 48.59

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Request-destinations by toplevel-domain

destination request % kByte % hit-%
*.de 41561 42.40 934606 59.54 42.21
*.com 34385 35.08 449177 28.61 62.08
*.net 5589 5.70 27925 1.78 43.64
*.org 3530 3.60 40605 2.59 46.57
<unresolved> 3098 3.16 13629 0.87 29.12
<error> 1710 1.74 2493 0.16 31.46
*.cz 934 0.95 2562 0.16 26.23
*.es 911 0.93 2462 0.16 78.27
*.uk 632 0.64 6586 0.42 27.69
*.pt 613 0.63 2719 0.17 12.07
*.gov 526 0.54 4934 0.31 68.44
*.cc 484 0.49 4306 0.27 68.80
*.se 404 0.41 6342 0.40 15.35
*.at 356 0.36 1339 0.09 17.42
*.ch 327 0.33 6175 0.39 17.13
*.ag 285 0.29 806 0.05 86.67
*.ca 280 0.29 4428 0.28 1.79
*.tr 275 0.28 1111 0.07 21.09
*.tv 222 0.23 870 0.06 70.72
*.it 200 0.20 11242 0.72 60.00
other: 39 top-level-domains 1692 1.73 45508 2.90 32.33
Sum 98014 100.00 1569835 100.00 48.59

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protocol request % kByte % hit-%
http: 93505 95.40 1439071 91.67 50.25
<secure> 2107 2.15 10532 0.67 0.00
<error> 1710 1.74 2493 0.16 31.46
ftp: 692 0.71 117737 7.50 14.88
Sum 98014 100.00 1569835 100.00 48.59

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Requested content-type

content-type request % kByte % hit-%
image/gif 41891 42.74 89494 5.70 59.94
image/jpeg 14397 14.69 127764 8.14 44.64
text/html 13910 14.19 161889 10.31 9.86
<unknown> 10041 10.24 6959 0.44 64.66
application/x-javascript 8247 8.41 14079 0.90 68.51
<secure> 2107 2.15 10532 0.67 0.00
text/plain 1935 1.97 20111 1.28 33.33
<error> 1710 1.74 2493 0.16 31.46
text/css 1635 1.67 4232 0.27 48.87
image/png 505 0.52 3063 0.20 36.63
text/javascript 305 0.31 489 0.03 8.52
application/octet-stream 301 0.31 220607 14.05 59.14
application/x-shockwave-flash 262 0.27 6134 0.39 20.23
application/pdf 211 0.22 92222 5.87 5.69
text/xml 108 0.11 1742 0.11 30.56
image/jpg.png.gif 76 0.08 602 0.04 36.84
application/x-msdownload 49 0.05 30573 1.95 14.29
image/x-icon 29 0.03 253 0.02 75.86
application/postscript 28 0.03 2810 0.18 10.71
application/msword 26 0.03 3113 0.20 0.00
other: 37 content-types 241 0.25 770664 49.09 18.67
Sum 98014 100.00 1569835 100.00 48.59

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Requested extensions

extensions request % kByte % hit-%
gif 44962 45.87 88029 5.61 68.37
<dynamic> 17421 17.77 181026 11.53 6.97
jpg 13353 13.62 105245 6.70 47.14
js 6926 7.07 11129 0.71 86.46
<none> 3105 3.17 37777 2.41 11.76
<secure> 2107 2.15 10532 0.67 0.00
css 1762 1.80 3811 0.24 61.35
<error> 1710 1.74 2493 0.16 31.46
html 1238 1.26 15547 0.99 21.73
htm 1169 1.19 9859 0.63 11.80
JPG 621 0.63 11591 0.74 37.04
png 471 0.48 2826 0.18 45.22
txt 410 0.42 13534 0.86 23.41
php 370 0.38 3930 0.25 0.00
shtml 301 0.31 2319 0.15 0.00
pdf 251 0.26 87668 5.58 4.78
ans 181 0.18 3427 0.22 6.08
GIF 152 0.16 557 0.04 51.97
asp 151 0.15 1733 0.11 0.00
swf 132 0.13 4912 0.31 43.18
other: 101 extensions 1221 1.25 971880 61.91 24.32
Sum 98014 100.00 1569835 100.00 48.59

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Performance in 60 minute steps

      incomin hit miss direct sibling fetch
date request MByte kB/sec kB/sec kB/sec kB/sec kB/sec kB/sec
09.Dec 03 00:00 358 7 7.70 41.41 6.48 6.74    
09.Dec 03 01:00 450 4 3.09 1.92 3.43 3.62    
09.Dec 03 02:00 752 3 8.90 3.06 9.85 8.72    
09.Dec 03 03:00 99 1 82.35 3106.03 25.54 25.54    
09.Dec 03 04:00 104 0 15.47   15.36 15.36    
09.Dec 03 05:00 103 0 22.06   22.28 22.28    
09.Dec 03 06:00 103 1 61.53 3190.55 19.53 19.53    
09.Dec 03 07:00 100 0 29.17   28.62 28.62    
09.Dec 03 08:00 496 3 33.57 57.39 32.23 32.31    
09.Dec 03 09:00 594 4 23.02 38.29 20.28 18.50    
09.Dec 03 10:00 4006 53 21.26 19.14 23.46 23.23    
09.Dec 03 11:00 3318 40 27.10 18.09 32.98 30.98    
09.Dec 03 12:00 5987 39 7.65 17.72 7.05 7.15    
09.Dec 03 13:00 6249 105 24.37 13.91 27.86 26.12    
09.Dec 03 14:00 11180 719 69.03 24.06 134.77 123.18    
09.Dec 03 15:00 14485 70 10.57 21.08 10.59 10.78    
09.Dec 03 16:00 15220 80 6.10 8.17 9.11 9.04    
09.Dec 03 17:00 9304 107 12.30 15.33 17.63 16.88    
09.Dec 03 18:00 9225 107 11.07 15.66 14.97 14.59    
09.Dec 03 19:00 6263 77 16.09 47.97 10.97 15.51    
09.Dec 03 20:00 4091 69 13.78 54.65 14.31 16.83    
09.Dec 03 21:00 1148 18 21.51 136.32 7.28 19.71    
09.Dec 03 22:00 3725 11 9.24 12.21 8.43 8.23    
09.Dec 03 23:00 654 4 12.13 30.33 10.89 10.88    
overall 98014 1533 19.75 21.03 25.71 25.15    

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Calamaris $Revision: 2.29 $, Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999 Cord Beermann.

Calamaris comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. See source for details.