![]() | ![]() | ![]() | Past Meetings |
Only general CoFI meetings are reported in detail here. Task group meeting reports are generally sent to the respective mailing lists.
The meetings are listed in reverse chronological order below:
A CoFI workshop will take place in Cachan, just outside Paris, starting on Saturday 7 November after lunch and finishing on Wednesday 11 November in the afternoon. This will consist of a sequence of task group meetings as follows:
Sat 7/11 14.30-16.00 Methodology coffee 16.30-19.00 Methodology dinner Semantics Sun 8/11 9.00-12.00 Methodology lunch Semantics, if required 13.30-16.00 Language Design coffee 16.30-19.00 Language Design dinner Coordination (CoFI WG coordinators only) Mon 9/11 9.00-12.00 Language Design lunch with some information about CoFI WG 13.30-16.00 Tools coffee 16.30-19.00 Reactive Systems Tue 10/11 9.00-12.00 Tools | Reactive Systems lunch 13.30-16.00 Tools | Reactive Systems coffee 16.30-19.00 Reactive Systems Wed 11/11 9.00-12.00 Reactive Systems lunch 13.30-16.00 Reactive Systems
Depending on the inclination of the participants, the meeting of the Reactive Systems task group may conclude on Wednesday morning or Tuesday evening.
Information about each task group meeting, including the planned agenda, will be announced by the task group coordinator on the relevant mailing list:
cofi-language@brics.dk: Language Design cofi-semantics@brics.dk: Semantics cofi-methodology@brics.dk: Methodology cofi-tools@brics.dk: Tools cofi-reactive@brics.dk: Reactive Systems
If you are interested in contributing to the work of any of these task groups, you should join the relevant list(s) now if you haven't done so already--see http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI/Subscription.html. N.B. All CoFI participants should also subscribe to the low-volume cofi-list@brics.dk for important administrative announcements.
The workshop will be organized by Michel Bidoit of Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan. This is the first workshop to be organized by the ESPRIT-funded CoFI Working Group (see http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/dts/CoFI-WG) and travel funding will be available to European attendees under the terms described in http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/dts/CoFI-WG/money.html. Lunches and refreshments for coffee breaks will be provided, and hotel rooms will be organized. For attendees who are not funded by CoFI WG there will be a small registration charge to cover the cost of lunches.
To attend the workshop:
The next CoFI workshop will take place immediately before or after ETAPS'99 (22-26 March) in Amsterdam.
Best regards,
Don Sannella
CoFI WG coordinator
********************************************************** * REGISTER NOW !!! REGISTER NOW !!! REGISTER NOW !!! * ********************************************************** CoFI Workshop in Cachan, France Sat 7th - Wed 11th November, 1998. Last Name: First Name: Institution: E-mail: Phone: Fax: Postal address: I will attend the CoFI Workshop in Cachan. Date of arrival: ../11/98 Date of departure: ../11/98 I will attend the following Task Group Meetings: Language Design: YES NO Methodology: YES NO Semantics: YES NO Tools YES NO Reactive Systems: YES NO I will attend Reactive Systems meeting on Wednesday 11/11/98, if any: 11th morning: YES NO 11th afternoon: YES NO I need a [single|double] room from ../11/98 to ../11/98 (.. nights) [I want to share the double room with .................] I expect that my travel will be funded by CoFI WG: YES NO (If YES, don't forget to contact one of the CoFI WG coordinators for permission!) Special dietary requirements: WARNING: Please register asap. Hotel accommodation will be very difficult to arrange for that period due to other events. It will be slightly easier to change date of arrival/date of departure than to find a hotel room at the last minute. So, if you are sure you will attend but you don't yet know your travel schedule, please pre-register NOW and let me know later your exact dates of arrival/departure. Registered participants will be sent more information about the location of the workshop, the hotel, and on how to reach Cachan (which is very near Paris). Please send the above completed form by e-mail to: Michel.Bidoit@lsv.ens-cachan.fr or fax it to: Michel Bidoit - LSV - +33-1-47 40 24 64
Wednesday 1 April 1998 | from 4pm | Reactive Systems |
Wednesday 1 April 1998 | from 4pm | Language Design |
Thursday 2 April 1998 | lunchtime | Coordination |
Thursday 2 April 1998 | after WADT | Semantics |
Friday 3 April 1998 | after WADT | Tools |
Saturday 4 April 1998 | after WADT | Language Design, ctd. |
Friday 9 January 1998 | Tools |
Saturday 10 January 1998 | Methodology |
Sunday 11 January 1998 | Language Design |
All the meetings are now to start at 9.00 am! The Language Design meeting is to finish by 4.30 pm.
Would all those who plan to attend please complete and return the appended registration form as soon as possible.
At University Bremen on Bibliothekstrasse 1, you will find this building MZH, 8th floor, room 8090, see photo and plan
Either from the airport or from the railway station take the tramway number 5 till the end station (Kulenkampffallee) and there change and take the bus number 21, 22, 23 or 28 till the university.
New! 3 cars will leave the hotel at 8.45am and take us to the University, so that we can start the meetings at 9.00am.
Location of meals:
We have reserved a block of 20 single rooms (shower, WC, breakfast) for 90 DM each at Hotel Landhaus Louisenthal [this is where we had the first Compass meeting, if you remember]. To secure one, booking has to be made via us as soon as possible,
After that we will give assistance with booking but cannot guarantee this price.
The adress of the hotel is:
Hotel Landhaus Louisenthal Leher Heerstraße 105 28359 BremenThe telephone number is:
(0421)23 20 36/76
To get to the Hotel: From the airport you take the tramway nr. 5 till the big station (Bremer Hauptbahnhof) and from there you take the bus nr. 30, 31, 33, or 34 till the station Lilienthaler Herrstraße, there you can see the hotel on the right side.
To book a room, please complete and send the following e-mail:
To: sylvie@Informatik.Uni-Bremen.DE Subject: [CoFI] Meetings in Bremen, 9-11 Jan 1998 - Accommodation * NAME: * ARRIVAL DATE & TIME: * DEPARTURE DATE & TIME: I hereby book a single room at Hotel Landhaus Louisenthal for ___ nights. * SIGNATURE (with e-mail address and affiliation):
To register for the meetings, please complete and send the following e-mail as soon as possible, and by 16 December at the latest, to facilitate the local arrangements :
To: pdmosses@brics.dk Subject: [CoFI] Meetings in Bremen, 9-11 Jan 1998 - Registration * NAME: * MEETINGS TO BE ATTENDED (delete as necessary): Tools Methodology Language Design * ARRIVAL DATE & TIME: * DEPARTURE DATE & TIME: * SIGNATURE (with e-mail address and affiliation):
Saturday 27 September 1997 | Tools & Language Design |
Sunday 28 September 1997 | Methodology |
The Tools and Language Design meeting starts at 9:00am on the Saturday. The starting time and agenda for the Methodology meeting will be fixed by the participants on-site.
Would all those who plan to attend please complete and return the appended registration form as soon as possible. Note that these meetings are held adjacent with ASF+SDF'97, see URL http://adam.wins.uva.nl/~gipe/asf+sdf97/.
The meetings will take place in the building "Euclides" where students take their courses--not at the "Kruislaan", CWI! (The main reason for holding the CoFI meetings here is that there are restaurants in the neighbourhood of Euclides.) The address is Plantage Muidergracht 24, a detailed description of how to get there can be found at URL http://www.wins.uva.nl/location/edu.html.
There are options on rooms in Hotel Terdam:
Hotel Terdam 23 Tesselschadestraat 1054 ET Amsterdam Tel. +31 20 612 6876 Fax. +31 20-683 83 13
A room costs about fl. 160,- per person per night.
If people want to make a reservation for a room they should contact Mieke Brune (Mieke.Brune@cwi.nl) and tell her it is for the CoFI meeting. She will contact the hotel and make the final reservation.
How to reach the hotel from the airport:
To register for the meeting, complete and send the following e-mail:
To: pdmosses@brics.dk Subject: [CoFI] Meetings in Amsterdam, 27-28 Sep 97 - Registration * NAME: * MEETINGS: [ ] Tools [ ] Language Design [ ] Methodology * ARRIVAL DATE & TIME: * DEPARTURE DATE & TIME: * SIGNATURE:
SUNDAY 10 Nov Working Meetings (JCMB) 9:00 - 12:30 Language Design 13:30 - 17:00 Tools || Semantics [was: Methodology || Semantics] 17:30 - 22:30 Coordination, Funding (coordinators meeting) MONDAY 11 Nov Working Meetings (JCMB) 9:00 - 12:30 Methodology [was: Tools || Semantics] 13:30 - 17:00 Tools || Methodology 17:30 - 22:30 Coordination, Funding (coordinators meeting, continued) TUESDAY 12 Nov Working Meetings (JCMB) 9:00 - 12:30 Language Design & Tools (concrete syntax)
A CoFI Language Design task group meeting was held in Munich:
Friday 5 July (2pm) to Sunday 7 July (12.30pm), 1996.
This was immediately after the AMAST'96 conference (for info, see http://www.pst.informatik.uni-muenchen.de/amast96). The meeting was intended only for ACTIVE participants of the Language Design task group, and familiarity with ALL available study notes, check-lists, etc., was presumed. This meeting was to resolve the remaining technical questions concerning the tentative design proposal, and to clarify the rationale for the various design choices. This should have resulted in the adoption (by the Language Design task group) of a Tentative Common Language Description by mid-July, 1996 - although because of vacation time, it was mid-August before a detailed report was available.
The results of the meeting and the following e-mail discussions are reported in the current proposal for the tentative design.
At the meeting of the CoFI Language Design Group at Oxford, 16-19 March 1996, many different aspects of the CoFI Common Language were discussed, based on previously-compiled Language Study Notes (available by WWW and FTP from the CoFI archives). Agreement between those at the meeting was reached on a number of issues - including the minor one of changing the acronym of the Common Framework Initiative from CFI to CoFI (pronounced like "coffee"), to avoid a clash with the so-called "CAD Framework Initiative" (CFI, see URL: http://www.cfi.org).
The original aim, as stated under "Milestones" on the CoFI WWW pages, was to adopt a tentative common language design at this meeting. However, it turned out that our schedule had been too ambitious: not only were several of the longer study notes ready only a few days before the meeting, but also the meeting did not manage to resolve some outstanding issues on which there was significant divergence of opinion or confusion. The other task groups were supposed to start assessing the tentative language design with regard to semantics, tools, methods, etc., straight after the Oxford meeting, but this had to be postponed.
Since the Oxford meeting, the CoFI task coordinators have been involved in intense e-mail discussions between themselves, with the aim of ensuring that the next CoFI meeting will produce more tangible results. (Unfortunately we have all had very busy periods due to other commitments, which has delayed us. It was felt that a premature statement would be counter-productive, although we were acutely aware of the bad impression that our apparent lack of activity might give to others.) We are now converging rapidly on what we believe to be a suitable basis for making (tentative) language design decisions.
A proposal by the CoFI Language Design task group, for a Tentative Common Language Description, is to be made available by WWW and FTP in the week of 17-21 June. Comments on it from all CoFI participants will be most welcome.
Registered Participants
Here's a revised list of participants: changes are Magne Haveraaen (instead of Michal Walicki), Maria Victoria Cengarle, Pascale Le Gall and Uwe Wolter.
Name Institution FME? Arr. Dep. ----------------------------------------------------------- Egidio Astesiano (U. Genova) (FME) 16/3 - 22/3 Didier Bert (U. Grenoble) (FME) 16/3 - 22/3 Michel Bidoit (LIENS) 16/3 - 20/3 Adel Bouhoula (INRIA) 16/3 - 20/3 Maria Victoria Cengarle (U. Muenchen) (FME) 16/3 - 22/3 Christine Choppy (U. Nantes) 16/3 - 20/3 Klaus Didrich (TU Berlin) (FME) 15/3 - 23/3 Hartmut Ehrig (TU Berlin) (FME) 16/3 - 22/3 Pascale Le Gall (U. Evry) (FME) 16/3 - 22/3 Marie-Claude Gaudel (U. Paris-Sud) (FME) 17/3 - 22/3 Robert Geisler (TU Berlin) (FME) 16/3 - 22/3 Magne Haveraaen (U. Bergen) 16/3 - 20/3 Anne Haxthausen (TU Denmark) 16/3 - 20/3 Hans-Joerg Kreowski (U. Bremen) 16/3 - 21/3 Bernd Krieg-Brueckner (U. Bremen) 16/3 - 21/3 Grant Malcolm (U. Oxford) 16/3 - 20/3 Peter Mosses (U. Aarhus) (FME) 16/3 - 22/3 Olaf Owe (U. Oslo) 17/3 - 20/3 Gianna Reggio (U. Genova) 16/3 - 20/3 Don Sannella (U. Edinburgh) 16/3 - 20/3 Bernhard Schaetz (TU Muenchen) (FME) 16/3 - 22/3 Andrzej Tarlecki (U. Warsaw) 16/3 - 20/3 Uwe Wolter (TU Berlin) 16/3 - 20/3 ----------------------------------------------------------
Here's the intended schedule for the Oxford meetings:
The following meetings are planned for the days preceding FME'96 in Oxford:
- Saturday, 16th March:
- CFI tools and methodology meetings (in parallel)
- Sunday, 17th March:
- CFI language design meeting (preparatory)
- Monday, 18th March:
- CFI language design meeting (preparatory)
- Tuesday, 19th March:
- Compass/CFI plenary meeting: language design and planning of further actions
The meetings on the Saturday will start at 2pm, and those on the other days at 9am.
The preparatory language design meetings are intended primarily for those in the language design task group to review their study notes and formulate their tentative proposals for CFI language constructs. Participants of other task groups and observers are welcome to attend. Note that the Compass/CFI plenary meeting is now scheduled for one day only, rather than the two days previously indicated.
The proposals of the language design task group will be presented to the Compass/CFI plenary meeting, and (subject to modification there) form the basis for the work of the other task groups - and for feedback from the other CFI participants and observers - over the following 6 months. Note that only tentative decisions about the inclusion or exclusion of constructs in the CFI specification language will be taken in Oxford. Nevertheless, this meeting is a very important one for the future of CFI!
Please send all comments and corrections regarding this section to the list unif-task@daimi.aau.dk.
Following the discussions during the Compass Day at Aarhus, 26-27 May 1995, it was decided to hold a working meeting on the Common Framework (previously referred to as the `unifying framework') at Soria Moria, Norway, immediately prior to the IFIP WG14.3 meeting and Compass/WADT meetings at the same place. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss issues of specification language design with reference to the Common Framework Initiative and to prepare a presentation on this topic for the IFIP meeting.
Some moderated mailing lists (unif-lang, -tool, -meth, -flex, -high) were established at Aarhus at the beginning of July, intended for circulation of position statements concerning selection of constructs from existing languages. By early September, 6 contributions had been made on unif-lang and 1 on unif-meth (the archives of the mailing lists are here).
The meeting was attended from the start on Sunday morning by 19 of us:
Egidio Astesiano, Michel Bidoit, Christine Choppy, Ole-Johan Dahl, Jose Fiadeiro, Marie-Claude Gaudel, Jim Horning, Hélène Kirchner, Hans-Joerg Kreowski, Bernd Krieg-Brückner, Tom Maibaum, Grant Malcolm, Peter D. Mosses, Fernando Orejas, Olaf Owe, Gianna Reggio, Don Sannella, Andrzej Tarlecki, Michal Walicki.
The discussion was lively, and the mood constructive. The chairman of IFIP WG14.3 announced that we would be able to continue our discussions during most of that meeting, giving us almost 2.5 days altogether for working on the Common Framework Initiative.
A lot of pertinent points were made during the discussions. We used a `check-list' provided by Bernd Krieg-Brückner to help structure the discussion a bit. Also, Don Sannella handed out a draft [52] of a chapter on Specification Languages (by Don Sannella and Martin Wirsing) from the forthcoming IFIP State-of-the-Art Report; it surveys major existing languages and discusses many design issues.
By Monday midday we felt that we had made significant progress with clarifying some of our aims, and had discussed a few technical issues; but we were still a long way from being able to formulate our requirements for the Common Framework language(s).
As well as most of the participants of the preparatory meeting, 11 others attended the IFIP meeting from Monday afternoon (some of them also Monday morning):
Didier Bert, Mohammed Bettaz, Hans-Dieter Ehrich, Hartmut Ehrig, Harald Ganzinger, Pierre Lescanne, Karl Meinke, Peter Padawitz, Horst Reichel, Pippo Scollo, Eric Wagner.
We started with a brief resume of the motivation for the Common Framework initiative and of the progress made during the preparatory meeting. It was hardly adequate for the new participants, but we wanted to press on and not spend a long time repeating the arguments from the previous discussions.
Then Michel Bidoit led a session focussing on tool support in the Common Framework. We identified different classes of tools, including: editors and parsers; interpretors; verifiers; development managers; library browsers; translators; and tools for net distribution.
The afternoon concluded with the IFIP WG14.3 Business Meeting.
Tuesday morning started with a session on Methodology, led by Marie-Claude Gaudel. Issues discussed included: relation to language constructs, such as modules and parameterization; flexibility; and integration with semi-formal methods.
We continued by addressing the relationship between specifications and programs. The approach taken in Larch was discussed in detail: a single shared language for specifying data types, an interface language for each programming language for specifying programs.
Then we came to listing the urgent work items for the Common Framework Initiative - and to getting volunteers to commit themselves to dealing with them! The enthusiasm of the volunteering bodes well for the future of this initiative.
The IFIP meeting was concluded by a discussion of the role that term rewriting might play in connection with the Common Framework.
A list of tentative requirements and design choices for the Common Framework languages, extracted from the various discussions at Soria Moria, will soon be made available.
To take full advantage of Jim Horning's presence at Soria Moria, and somewhat refreshed after WADT'95 by a free afternoon, about 30 WADT participants (around 20 of them already involved in the Common Framework Initiative) gathered for an impromptu 90-minute discussion focussed on Larch. Having copies of the slides [22] from Jim Horning's invited talk "The Larch Shared Language: Some Open Problems" at WADT'95 the previous day, we returned to some of the points that were especially relevant for the Common Framework specification languages.
It was particularly encouraging that this final meeting at Soria Moria was so well-attended, and the mood was definitely one of general optimism. As Jim Horning commented: the participants in the Common Framework Initiative have far greater collective expertise than is usually the case when a group of persons sets out to develop a language; moreover they seem willing to make compromises, and they are not committed by some user community to perpetuate earlier design choices. Thus there should be a real chance of success!
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