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2 What are the consequences for CASL?
The question arises which definition of conservative extension should be
chosen to allow for optimal tool support. Initially I thought that the proof
theoretical definition would allow for more proof support and thus would be
more suitable than the model-based definition. While writing this note, my
opinion has changed in favour to the model-theoretic definition. But it's
like curing one evil with an even worse evil. In the following I have
listed some pro's and cons'es of mt-conservative extension:
- +
- The definition of mt-conservative extensions is independent of the
underlying logic. This seems to me an important point as translations of
CASL aim at different logics.
- -
- There is no uniform way (to be honest, I don't know of any) to prove
the property of being a mt-conservative extension in a logical (proof
theoretical) way. In general it is impossible to characterize a single
infinite model (like natural numbers) inside any logic usable for automated
theorem proving.
- +/-
- Switching to pt-conservative extensions would not be of any
practical help as the definition postulates a property of all (usually
infinitely many) sentences of a theory. As illustrated in the footnote, we
cannot rephrase this property to a simple property of the given axioms.
- +
- There are subclasses of extensions for which we know how to prove
that they are mt-conservative. Examples for this are constructive specifications.
We can, for instance, provide definition principles how to define new functions based on
given datatypes (like algorithms in INKA or the definition principle in
NQTHM). In these cases the problem of being a mt-extension can be reduced to
proving a first-order theorem (with induction).
Summing up, I have no clue how to tackle either notion of conservative
extension in a CASL-verification tool. Is there a way to use
Ehrenfeucht-Fraisse games for such purposes? From a more general point of
view, the notion of mt-conservative extension captures the underlying idea
more closer than the proof theoretical version and does not implicitely
incorporate the weakness of logics into such a definition. Also, there are
some special cases in which we can support the notion of mt-conservative
extension, e.g. when using "algorithms" or special definition principles
to extend a given theory.
Note: T-8 -- Version: -- October 20, 1999.
Comments to hutter@dfki.de