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- [BN92]
S. M. Brien and J. E. Nicholls.
Z base standard, version 1.0.
Technical report, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 1992.
- [Gol90]
C. F. Goldfarb.
The SGML Handbook.
Oxford University Press, 1990.
- [Hav97]
Magne Haveraaen.
Some thoughts on CASL concrete syntax.
CoFI Note: T-1. WWW, FTP, April 1997.
- [LD97]
CoFI Task Group on Language Design.
CASL - The CoFI Algebraic Specification Language - Summary.
CoFI Document: CASL/Summary. WWW, FTP, May 1997.
- [Too97]
CoFI Task Group on Tools.
CASL - The CoFI Algebraic Specification Language - Intended
CoFI Document: CASL/Tools. WWW, FTP, May 1997.
Note: T-4 --DRAFT-- 8 October 1997.
Comments to pdmosses@brics.dk