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S. M. Brien and J. E. Nicholls. Z base standard, version 1.0. Technical report, Oxford University Computing Laboratory, 1992.
C. F. Goldfarb. The SGML Handbook. Oxford University Press, 1990.
Magne Haveraaen. Some thoughts on CASL concrete syntax. CoFI Note: T-1. WWW, FTP, April 1997.
CoFI Task Group on Language Design. CASL - The CoFI Algebraic Specification Language - Summary. CoFI Document: CASL/Summary. WWW, FTP, May 1997.
CoFI Task Group on Tools. CASL - The CoFI Algebraic Specification Language - Intended Tools. CoFI Document: CASL/Tools. WWW, FTP, May 1997.

CoFI Note: T-4 --DRAFT-- 8 October 1997.
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