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8.2 Unit Compositions

RESULT-UNIT     ::=   result-unit UNIT-DECL* UNIT-TERM
UNIT-APPL       ::=   unit-appl UNIT-NAME UNIT-TERM*
UNIT-REDUCT     ::=   unit-reduct SIG-MORPH UNIT-TERM
A RESULT-UNIT determines how the units declared in the enclosing architectural specification are to be composed, using a UNIT-TERM built from applications UNIT-APPL. A unit reduct UNIT-REDUCT allows parts of the resulting unit to be hidden or renamed. Taking the UNIT-TYPE of each UNIT-NAME from its declaration, and taking any reducts into account, the UNIT-TERM must be well-typed: the signature of each argument UNIT-TERM must match that of the corresponding argument specification, and the compatibility of the arguments must be ensured.
[PDM] What are the conditions that ensure this?
Discharged: Same origin (unit declaration), same thing. That is, sorts s, s' are the same if they can be traced to the same sort in the same unit declaration. In determining this, UNIT-APPLs should be regarded as "generative", i.e. two identical but separate applications F(A) produce results with different sorts. Then in order to avoid unintentional differentiation we need either unit definitions in architectural specs or local unit declarations as described in Appendix C.
The auxiliary unit declarations UNIT-DECL* in a RESULT-UNIT are for (non-parametrized) units that are required, but not specified, by the enclosing architectural specification; this allows compositions which express partial architectural specifications that depend on external units as specified in the declarations.
CoFI Note: S-1 --Version 1.3-- 25 April 1997.
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