Go backward to 4.1 Precedence Annotations
Go up to 4 Parsing Annotations
Go forward to 4.3 Visibility and Interaction with Structured Specifications
4.2 Associativity Annotations
There are two associativity annotations
- [] %left assoc
- [] %right assoc
which may be used immediately after an operation or predicate
declaration. For example, declaring __+__ to be left associative
means that t1 + t2 + t3 is parsed as (t1 + t2) + t3, while
declaring it to be right associative leads to t1 + (t2 + t3).
If there is no associativity annotation for a mixfix
symbol, it is not allowed to repeat that symbol without explicit
grouping using parentheses.
Due to the CASL summary, section, an
assoc operation attribute implies a parsing
annotation that allows an infix operation to be iterated
without explicit grouping parentheses. We choose
just %left assoc to be this parsing annotation -
%right assoc would also do the job, and the resulting
parsed term would be different but semantically equivalent
due to associativity of the operation. Thus the choice
between %left assoc and %right assoc is arbitrary here,
but we have to make a choice to be definite.
Note: L-11 -- Version: 0.1 -- 11 March 1999.
Comments to roba@informatik.uni-bremen.de