Go up to 5 Syntax Extensions
Go forward to 5.2 Extended Syntax for Numbers
5.1 Extended Syntax for Functions on Argument Lists
In a datatype for lists one would like to write a list consisting of
four items i1, i2, i3, and i4
i_1 :: i_2 :: i_3 :: i_4 :: nil
(which is a possible notation in our specification of lists in
[RM99]) by a shorter construct like
[|i_1, i_2, i_3, i_4|].
For this purpose we propose an extension of the CASL-syntax which the
parser can easily translate into standard CASL. We demonstrate this
extension first on our datatype for lists of [RM99]:
- spec
- GenerateList
[Elem with sort Elem] =
- free
- types
List[Elem] | ::= | nil | sort NonEmptyList[Elem];
NonEmptyList[Elem] | ::= |
__ :: __ (first : Elem; rest : List[Elem])
- op
- __ :: __: Elem × List[Elem] -> List[Elem] %right
- end
In this setting we suggest to declare the meta-function [| __ |]:
Elem* -> List[Elem] as follows:
- spec
- List[Elem] =
- GenerateList[Elem]
- then
- type
- List[Elem]::=
nil | __::__(Elem; List[Elem]),
brackets [| __ |] |
- end
Thus this notation is a special datatype declaration7 for a sort s, which consists of two
alternatives: the first is a constant const of this type, while the
second is a constructor f with exactly two components which both are
sorts (i.e. we do not care about the definition of selectors at this
point). The first component is an arbitrary sort t, the second sort
has to be s. After the keyword brackets the syntax of the
function is declared. For simplicity we suggest that the function name
is a pair of brackets combined with any character c, which is not a
i.e. {c __ c}, or
[c __ c].
The syntax translation [ [ ] ] of the operation
t1 __ t2 : t* ~> s,
where ~> = -> if f is a total constructor and
~> = ->? if f is a partial constructor,
and t1 and t2 are tokens,
is defined inductively as
- [ [ t1 t2 ] ]:= const and
- [ [ t1 i1, i2, ..., in t2 ] ] :=
f( i1, [ [ t1 i2, ..., in t2 ] ] ).
Thus if the constructor is not associative one should note that the
list i1, i2, ..., in is parsed right associative. For example
in the specification
- spec
- Nat=
- ...
- %% define the sort Nat and the operation +
- type
- Nat::=
0 | __ + __ (Nat; Nat),
brackets [+ __ +] |
the term
[+ n_1, n_2, n_3, n_4 +].
is translated to n1 + (n2 + (n3 + (n4 + 0))).
Note: L-11 -- Version: 0.1 -- 11 March 1999.
Comments to roba@informatik.uni-bremen.de