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1 Basic Concepts

May variables be overloaded, i.e. can a set of sorted variables X contain x:s and x:s' with s /= s'? Probably not, since things like forall x:s. forall x:s'. f(x)=x for f : s -> s' might be confusing. But what about examples like

var x:s  ...  ...  axiom forall x:s'. phi
var x:s  ...  ...  var x:s'
If overloading is forbidden, these could still be allowed if overriding is permitted: later declarations supercede earlier ones. Then forall x:s. forall x:s'. f(x)=x would only be well-formed if f : s' -> s'.
CoFI Note: L-1 --Version 1-- 28 March 1997.
Comments to dts@dcs.ed.ac.uk

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