The main aims of the CASL package for LaTeX are to facilitate:
CASL specifications written using the CASL package can easily be converted to HTML using Hyperlatex. Saving the text of the formatted specification from an HTML browser such as Netscape should produce valid CASL input syntax (modulo display annotations for declared symbols), allowing the concrete syntax of the specification to be checked using a CASL parser.
Section 2 describes the minimal mark-up that is needed for formatting CASL specifications. Section 3 describes how to adjust alignment, and how to abbreviate some commands. Section 4 describes commands that correspond to some constructs of the abstract syntax of CASL. Appendix A summarizes the commands and environments provided by the CASL package. Appendix C illustrate the mark-up and formatted versions of two basic specifications; see also the examples given in the CASL Language Summary [CoF98], for which the input syntax and marked-up LaTeX sources are also available.
The reader is assumed to be already familiar with the main features of LaTeX, which are summarized in [Mos97].