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Tools Task Group meeting

		Tools Task Group Meeting (2nd announcement)
		Munich, Saturday 27 January, 1996.

First of all my best wishes to everybody for the new year.

This is to confirm that the planned Tools Task Group meeting will take place
in Munich on Saturday 27 January. For practical details see the previous 
message sent on this mailing list, or the Web home page of the CFI
(http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CFI/,  then "Future Meetings").
Please remember also that a Language Design Task Group meeting will be held
in Munich the following day, i.e. Sunday 28 January.

The meeting will start at 10:00 a.m., at the following place:

Universitaet München
Leopoldstr. 11 b
D-80802 München 
Room 128 (more than 10 participants) or
room E09 (otherwise). 

Nearest subway station is Giselastrasse (Line U6 and U3). 

It will end sometimes in the evening... we could enjoy some dinner together
somewhere (still to be arranged).


1) Finalization and approval of the "Aims and Scope" of the Tools Task Group
(see the first message on unif-tool)

2) Preliminary discussion on the impact of tools on the design of the
language(s) itself (e.g. to be able to parse terms and formulas with a
reasonable efficiency, which combinations of mixfix syntax, overloading, 
coercions etc. should be allowed or not allowed ?)

3) Preparation of a "Catalogue of Existing Tools". How should we structure
the questionnaire to be sent over the mailing list ? What is meant here is
something similar to what has been done (is being done) for the Catalogue
of Existing Frameworks. Should we use Bernd's check list as a starting point ?
Please think to this issue seriously before the meeting, since it is especially
important to start with a well-structured list of questions (later changes
being difficult).

4) Working out a strategy for the reuse of existing tools and inter-operability
of tools, in particular to ease the acceptance of the CFI language(s).
In addition we should consider as well exchange of specification libraries.

Those interested may have a look to :
"Interchange Format for Inter-Operability of Tools and Translation:
The Salsa and Asspegique+/LP Experience"
by Michel Bidoit, Christine Choppy and Frederic Voisin
available on the Web at:

	1) You are kindly invited to suggest modifications of this tentative
preliminary agenda (preferably in advance by e-mail to Michel.Bidoit@ens.fr)
	2) If you cannot come, then you may nevertheless contribute to the
discussions by sending some statement to this (moderated) mailing list.

So far, answers received to the first announcement are as follows:
Will assist to the meeting: 
Michel Bidoit, Christine Choppy, Bernd Krieg-Bruckner, Pierre Lescanne,
Peter Mosses, Andrzej Tarlecki, Martin Wirsing.
Cannot assist to the meeting: 
Michal Walicki.

Those who have not answered yet, please do so asap ! It will be much simpler
to organize the meeting if we know in advance who is coming...

Best regards,
Michel Bidoit