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CoFI semantics task group: deadline for task B0 is TODAY

Dear Colleague,

This is a reminder that the deadline for the first CoFI semantics task
is TODAY, and that contributions to this task are requested from
EVERYBODY.  Here's what is required, from my message to cofi-semantics
on 28th November:

>  0. Read the Language Summary version 0.95 FINAL carefully and mark
>     each point where you have a question or doubt about the meaning
>     of a construct or the semantics of the interaction of several
>     constructs.  Your output from this should be a list of section
>     numbers with a few words indicating the nature of the question.
>     (ACTION: EVERYBODY!  Deadline: Monday 6th January.  Results will
>     be collated and distributed by Don and Andrzej by the middle of
>     January.)

If you can't manage this today, then tomorrow or the next day
(i.e. Tuesday or Wednesday) would also be acceptable.

Here's an excerpt from Peter's announcement saying where the language
summary can be found:

> The official Summary of the Tentative Design of CASL, the
> CoFI Algebraic Specification Language, is now available at URL: 
> http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI/Documents/Tentative/LanguageSummary/ 
> or via the CoFI Home Page.  For printing, the relevant URLs are:
> [Compressed Postscript:]
> ftp://ftp.brics.dk/pub/BRICS/Projects/CoFI/Documents/Tentative/LanguageSummary.ps.Z
> [DVI:]
> ftp://ftp.brics.dk/pub/BRICS/Projects/CoFI/Documents/Tentative/LanguageSummary.dvi

Best regards and happy new year,
Don Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki