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Axiom of choice in CASL
Dear friends,
during the development of a library for linear algebra, my colleague
Lutz Schröder has set up a view stating that every vector space
has a basis. I could not answer the question whether this view
is defined according to the CASL semantics.
To make the point clear, let me state an easier example:
view v :
{ sorts s,t; ops f:s->t; g:t->s; axiom forall y:t. f(g(y))=x
hide g}
{ sorts s,t; op f:s->t; axiom forall y:t. exists x:s . f(x)=y }
On the basis of the CASL summary and the CASL semantics,
I cannot decide whether this view is legal.
The point is that the above is a legal view in CASL
iff every surjective function has a right inverse
iff the axiom of choice is assumed in the metatheory of the CASL semantics.
I would vote for explicitly stating in the CASL semantics
(and perhaps even in the summary) that we assume the axiom of choice.
Till Mossakowski Phone +49-421-218-4683, monday: +49-4252-1859
Dept. of Computer Science Fax +49-421-218-3054
University of Bremen till@informatik.uni-bremen.de
P.O.Box 330440, D-28334 Bremen http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/~till