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Minutes of the Berlin meeting (30 March/1 April)

Dear colleagues,

please find enclosed the minutes of the two-part CoFI-Reactive meeting
hwich took place during ETPAS 2000 in Berlin.

Best regards
Minutes of the CoFI-R Meetings, Berlin (as part of ETAPS 2000)
Thursday, 30 March 00, 15:00-17:00 and Saturday, 1 April 00, 16:00-18:00

Attendees (30 March): Egidio Astesiano (part time), Maura Cerioli,
Christine Choppy, Heinrich Hussmann, Gianna Reggio

Minutes: Heinrich Hussmann

1. Presentations on Saturday

There were two meetings held, one preliminary meeting on 30 March 
and a larger meeting during the official CoFI workshop on 1 
April. The latter meeting was in principle open to everybody 
attending ETAPS.

During the preliminary meeting on 30 March, detailed plans for 
the presentations on Saturday were made:
- Report on state of work (Heinrich, to be harmonized with Gianna on 
Friday 15:30)
- State-based extension of CASL (Hubert)
- CASL-LTL extension (Gianna)
- UML2CASL static part (Maura)
- UML2CASL dynamic part (Gianna)

These presentations were given on 1 April, leading to a lively 
discussion with several other CoFI participants from different task 
groups. In general, no serious objections against the chosen 
approach were mentioned during this discussion.

The remainder of these minutes deals with the smaller meeting 
on 30 March, were future plans and organisational issues were 

2. Discussion of working papers

2.1 "CASL-LTL - A CASL Extension for Dynamic Systems"

- This paper has not changed since the Genova meeting. The updates which 
were proposed in the Genova meeting still have to be done.

2.2 "UML to CASL - Static Part"

- Heinrich had some minor comments, which he has passed on to Maura.
- The paper needs some completion regarding further language constructs.
Maura will make a proposal how to deal with generalization. Heinrich
provide some (short) information about the treatment of aggregation, 
composition, qualified associations, association classes, n-ary 

2.3 "A Significant subset of Dynamic UML"

- This paper needs to be joined with an earlier draft on the relevant 
subset of static UML (authors: Heinrich and Francoise). Francoise is no 
longer able to work on this paper. Heinrich will do a harmonization with 
the current state of discussion and send the new version to Genova. 
The editorial combination of the two papers will be done in Genova.

2.4 "A CASL Formal Definition of UML Active Classes and Associated State 

- The paper will be reviewed by Heinrich and Christine in detail.
- The harmonization with the paper "From UML to CASL - Static Part" is
as easy as expected. The main problem is the semantic duality of static 
constructs like attributes, operations etc., which appear as algebraic 
operations (or predicates) in the static part, but as data values in the 
dynamic part.
- It was decided to postpone the harmonization till a first draft of the 
paper "From UML to CASL - Dynamic part" is available.

2.5 "From UML to CASL - Dynamic Part"

- This paper does not yet really exist. It will consist of an improved 
version of the paper "A CASL Formal..." and additional material which 
explains the "multiview" approach where a single semantic model
the static and the dynamic/behavioural aspects of a complex 
system. (It is this additional metrial, which the further work on 
item 2.4 above waits for.)
- Gianna, Maura and Egidio plan to prepare a draft paper (for another 
workshop) which will cover some of the additional material required.
this paper is ready (by end of April), it will be distributed as a basis
further discussion.

3. Organizational Issues

- It is not clear why CoFI-R has not yet produced any official
Heinrich will clarify with Don the rules for CoFI-Notes.

- A next meeting will take place during the Monterey workshop in Porto 
Santa Margherita (June).

- A further official meeting may be required between the June meeting
the September CoFI workshop. End of July was suggested as a possible time.

- Heinrich to clarify with coordinators the plans for a summer 
school. (Information from the corrdinators' meeting on Saturday: 
The summer school will be identical to the final meeting of CoFI. 
It may be supplemented by  several CASL tutoriasls given at various conferences.)