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WADT'99 and FM'99

Dear CoFI friends,

See below for the call for abstracts for the WADT'99 workshop.

We have agreed with the organizers that CoFI activity will be
integrated with WADT'99 as follows.  There will be one WADT session
per CoFI task group.  Each CoFI session will consist of a presentation
of the state of work by the task group coordinator plus relevant talks
if any.  Then short technical task group meetings will take place in
the evenings or other "free" time.  If there aren't enough
presentations for a given task group to make a full session then we
may have more than one task group per session or else the relevant
task group coordinator may use the time for something else like a
discussion on some aspect of CoFI.

So this is an opportunity for you to give CoFI-relevant presentations, 
where "CoFI-relevant" is to be interpreted in a fairly broad sense.
To assist the planning of the WADT programme, please mention 
relevance to a specific CoFI task group when submitting your abstract.
Of course, the scope of WADT is wider than the specific goals of CoFI,
so don't feel compelled to talk about CoFI if you want to talk about
something else.

WADT'99 counts as an official CoFI workshop which means that travel
funding is available from CoFI WG.  You don't need to give a talk that 
is relevant to CoFI in order to get travel funding, but you are
expected to contribute to CoFI activity in some fashion.  For the
rules about funding including who is eligible and the procedure to
follow, see


and please don't forget to follow the rules about asking a working
group coordinator for permission before assuming that funding will be

There will also be a CoFI workshop at FM'99 which is the week after
WADT'99 and geographically close, and travel funding is also available
from CoFI WG to attend that.  *HOWEVER* this workshop will be
essentially a tutorial introduction to CoFI and CASL and so
superfluous for most of you, see


Because of the likely cost of FM'99, CoFI WG funding for FM'99 will be
therefore be restricted to the speakers at this workshop, plus anybody
who is attending FM'99 to present a paper about some aspect of CoFI or
CASL (and in that case, please include an acknowledgement to CoFI WG
in the final version of the paper).  Again, please see the rules about
eligibility etc.

Best regards,

Don Sannella
CoFI overall coordinator

Prof. Donald Sannella, Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science, 
Division of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 3JZ
http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/dts/  ftp://ftp.dcs.ed.ac.uk/pub/dts
E-mail: dts@dcs.ed.ac.uk phone: +44 131 650 5184 fax: +44 131 667 7209
Secretary: Margaret Davis e-mail: mda@dcs.ed.ac.uk phone: +44 131 650 5132

     14th International Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques

                               Bonas, France
                           15-18 September 1999

Aims and Scope
The algebraic approach to system specification and development, born
as a formal method for abstract data types, encompasses today the 
formal design of integrated hardware and software systems, new 
specification frameworks and programming paradigms (such as 
object-oriented, logic and higher-order functional programming) and 
a wide range of application areas (including information systems, 
concurrent and distributed systems).

The topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to:

  -   algebraic specification
  -   other approaches to formal specification
  -   specification languages and methods
  -   term rewriting and proof systems
  -   specification development systems (concepts, tools, etc.)

The workshop will provide an opportunity to present recent and 
ongoing work, to meet colleagues, and to discuss new ideas and 
future trends.

WADT'99 will be held at the Château de Bonas, near Toulouse, the 
week before FM'99 (World Congress on Formal Methods) takes place in 
Toulouse. The Château is a very attractive location, with modern 
conference facilities. 

The number of rooms available at the Château is limited.
Pre-registered participants will be offered a room, as much as
possible (see the pre-registration page). Details concerning final
registration for WADT'99 will be made available in June.
Information will also be available on the web.

Those who wish to give talks at WADT'99 are invited to submit 
abstracts (up to one page long). Abstract must be sent by e-mail to 
wadt99@imag.fr (preferably in plain text) by the deadline: 

26 May 1999.

After the workshop, selected authors will be invited to submit full 
papers for the refereed proceedings, which is expected to be 
published as a volume of Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Springer).

*** Important Dates ***

     Deadline for abstracts:            26 May, 1999
     Notification sent to authors:      21 June, 1999
     Final abstract due:                13 July, 1999
     Workshop dates:                    15-18 September, 1999

Invited Speakers (titles are tentative)
Michel BIDOIT (LSV, CNRS & ENS Cachan, France) 
     "From requirements to software in CASL"
Manfred BROY (TU Munich, Germany):        
     "From States to Histories"
Bart JACOBS (University of Nijmegen, Netherlands): 
     "Reasoning about Java"
Natarajan SHANKAR (SRI International, Menlo Park, USA):       
     "PVS: Principles and Pragmatics"

WADT Steering Committee
      Michel Bidoit             (Cachan, France)
      Hans-Joerg Kreowski       (Bremen, Germany)
      Peter Mosses, chair       (Aarhus, Denmark)
      Fernando Orejas           (Barcelona, Spain)
      Francesco Parisi-Presicce (Rome, Italy)
      Donald Sannella           (Edinburgh, Scotland)
      Andrzej Tarlecki          (Warsaw, Poland)

The workshop is organized by IFIP WG1.3 (Foundations of System 

It is supported by: CoFI WG (Common Framework Inititative, ESPRIT), 
the IMAG Institute (Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble),
and LSR laboratory (Logiciels, Systèmes, Réseaux).

Local Organizers
           Didier Bert                        Christine Choppy
            LSR-IMAG                       LIPN, Institut Galilée
            Grenoble                        Université Paris XIII

Email: wadt99@imag.fr