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[CoFI] Meetings in Amsterdam, 27-28 Sep 97 - Registration

The following details about the Amsterdam meetings have now been
installed on the CoFI WWW pages.

Hoping to see many of you in Amsterdam!

----   --------------------------------------------
\  /  | Peter D Mosses         <pdmosses@brics.dk> |
CoFI  | Common Framework Initiative  - Coordinator |
/  \  | WWW URL: http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI |
----   --------------------------------------------
PS Sorry for the delay with this announcement - I've been only
intermittently at work the past 14 days, due to moving house...

27-28 September 1997: Amsterdam Meetings 
                     (Tools, Language Design,Methodology)


      Saturday 27 September 1997  Tools & Language Design
        Sunday 28 September 1997  Methodology

     (Full-day meetings--exact starting time to be announced later.)

Registered participants:

     Would all those who plan to attend please complete and return the
     appended registration form as soon as possible. Note that these
     meetings are held adjacent with ASF+SDF'97, see URL

Documents to be brought:

     To be announced.


     The meetings will take place in the building "Euclides" where students
     take their courses--NOT at the "Kruislaan", CWI!  (The main reason for
     holding the CoFI meetings here is that there are restaurants in the
     neighbourhood of Euclides.) The address is Plantage Muidergracht 24,
     a detailed description of how to get there can be found at URL


     There are options on rooms in Hotel Terdam:

     Hotel Terdam
     23 Tesselschadestraat
     1054 ET Amsterdam

     Tel. +31 20 612 6876
     Fax. +31 20-683 83 13

     A room costs about fl. 160,- per person per night.

     If people want to make a reservation for a room they should contact
     Mieke Brune (Mieke.Brune@cwi.nl) and tell her it is for the CoFI
     meeting. She will contact the hotel and make the final reservation.

     How to reach the hotel from the airport:
        o take a taxi (about fl. 60-70), or
        o take a train to Amsterdam-Central Station, then take tram 1, 2 or
          5 stop Leidseplein. On the right side you see the Mariott Hotel,
          take the street on the left of the Mariott, this is the


     To register for the meeting, complete and send the following e-mail:

     To: pdmosses@brics.dk
     Subject: [CoFI] Meetings in Amsterdam, 27-28 Sep 97 - Registration

     * NAME:

     * MEETINGS:

       [ ]  Tools

       [ ]  Language Design

       [ ]  Methodology