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Re: CASL Design Proposal

The CoFI Home Page has been updated with the following news, now that
the available documents in the Design Proposal are stable:

Latest News

20 May 1997:
  All the main documents for the CASL Design Proposal are now
  available and ready for printing. Some further documents are still
  being revised/prepared.  

14 May 1997: 
  The CASL Design Proposal has been submitted to IFIP WG 1.3 for
  consideration at its meeting on 2-3 June 1997. However, some of the
  documents are not yet available in final form.

  All comments on the proposed design should be sent to the CoFI
  Language Design mailing list(cofi-language@brics.dk). Deadline for
  comments to be considered at the IFIP WG 1.3 Meeting:

	12 noon on Friday, 30 May, 1997. 

URL: http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI/Documents/CASL/Proposal/
URL:  ftp://ftp.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI/Documents/CASL/Proposal/

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\  /  | Peter D Mosses         <pdmosses@brics.dk> |
CoFI  | Common Framework Initiative  - Coordinator |
/  \  | WWW URL: http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI |
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