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Major update of CoFI WWW pages; new CoFI Notes series

Please see the CoFI Home Page: http://www.brics.dk/Projects/CoFI/ ,
which has just been reorganized.  Here's a plain-text copy of part of it:



Latest News

A major update
     of CoFI WWW pages (long overdue!) has been made. Please report missing
CoFI Note C-1
     on "Formatting CoFI documents with LaTeX" is available. Please follow
     the guidelines in it for all future CoFI documents. It refers to the
     Cofidoc package, which is available separately.
     The CoFI Notes series continues the original Study Notes series, but
     with a more systematic labelling and indexing scheme.
     The Language Design and Tools task groups will meet in Paris just
     before TAPSOFT'97, and the Semantics task group will meet during
     TAPSOFT'97 in Lille, April 1997.
Tentative Design
     The official Summary of the Tentative Design of CASL, the CoFI
     Algebraic Specification Language, is now available. This document will
     be the basis for closer investigation of the tentative language design
     by various CoFI task groups (Semantics, Tools, Methodology, Language
     Design), leading to a firm CASL Design Proposal in Spring 1997.

N.B. All documents and design proposals are tentative, unless marked

Brief Contents

   * Summary
   * Coordination
        o Milestones
        o Participants
        o Task Groups
        o Mailing Lists
        o Meetings
   * Resources
        o Frameworks
        o Organizations and Projects
        o Conferences
        o Papers
        o Newsgroups and Mailing Lists
        o Bibliographies
        o Software
   * Documents
        o Tentative Design
   * Notes
   * Working Documents
        o Meta-Requirements
        o Meta-Design
        o Catalogue of Existing Frameworks
        o Design Proposals
   * Downloading
   * References
   * Appendices:
   * News
        o News Archives 1996
        o News Archives 1995
        o To Do
   * Reactions
        o Jan Bergstra
        o Chris George
        o Paul Klint
   * Footnotes
CoFI Home Page: CoFI ---- March 11, 1997.
Comments to pdmosses@brics.dk